Divorce failed again

Chapter 1990 The unfulfilled wish

Chapter 1990 The unfulfilled wish

This terrible woman has no chance to mess up, she has completely disappeared, whether it is the XC area or the DC area, they are all clean.

The old black cat swished to the side of the old spirit body, and it had its own way of communicating with him.

It quickly explained the matter clearly. Of course, it wanted the old spirit body to accept its feelings, because it invited Gu Qiaoqiao to save him.

Although the old spirit body didn't care about these things, this person and cat really saved him, and he must thank him.

"Thank you."

The voice of the old spirit body was faint, and it seemed to be very vicissitudes.

Gu Qiaoqiao said indifferently, "You're welcome, I've been looking for this woman for a long time, and I also want to thank Old Black Cat for tipping me off."

The old black cat was happy. He didn't expect it to help Gu Qiaoqiao. Does that mean that he can get the blessing of the priest in the future?
It also just found out that people like Little Fairy also have a name called Priest.

Tsk tsk, priestess!

It sounds so majestic, alas, I really can't imagine what I would be like if I could be under the blessing of the priest.

The old black cat felt a little flattered when he fantasized about it, and Xiao Bai at the side had already seen through its thoughts and disdained it, but it was just an old cat with spiritual knowledge by accident, it looked down on it very much, and slapped it with its paw. In the past, the old black cat lay defenseless on the ground and dared not move.

Gu Qiaoqiao was a little speechless, Xiaobai's sense of territory was too strong, even though she was not its real owner, she was still included in its sphere of influence by Xiaobai.

Funny and helpless, he whispered, "Xiaobai, don't mess around."

Then he looked at the old spirit body with confused eyes, his face was blurred, and he was only known to be a male, who should be over 50 years old.

But he still asked, "Do you remember who you are? How long have you been in a spirit body? Is there something you can't let go of, or who hurt you?"

The old spirit body hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slowly, "I don't know, I don't remember anything."

"I can open up the past for you, but only with your consent."

The old spirit was taken aback for a moment, and after a few breaths, a gleam of surprise shot out from his bewildered eyes.

Yes, how did he form it?

Where is he from?

I didn't expect this little girl to have such an ability, that's my own good fortune, if I can really open up my future and past events, can I stop being muddled.

He nodded quickly, "Okay, I agree, this priest, please help me open it."

Gu Qiaoqiao was waiting for this sentence, because such a spirit body has a solid body, but has no ambitions or evil thoughts, so it is likely to become food for other powerful evil spirits.

For example, like Lin Qinghuan, although she can't swallow him temporarily, she will definitely swallow him easily when her ability is a little stronger.

Besides, if there is a grievance, there will be revenge.

Remembering the past and realizing the wish, then if such a spirit body has the opportunity to reincarnate, it is better to go to reincarnation.

Gu Qiaoqiao drew a talisman in the air, and then a ray of light hit the old spirit's forehead.

In fact, it was only a few seconds, but it seemed like decades passed by the old spirit body.

He remembered everything.

He was stunned for a moment, then stood there in a daze, with a wry smile and a sense of relief, with a hint of bewilderment.

Only there is no pain and no anger.

Gu Qiaoqiao was also very curious.

But it's not easy for the old spirit to ask if she doesn't talk about it.

Then the old spirit body floated towards the exit of the basement.

Gu Qiaoqiao and Xiaobai looked at each other, and then followed with the two cats.

At this time, the old spirit body was already standing in the open space outside. When Gu Qiaoqiao came to him, he found that the old spirit body was looking at the front right.

Complicated eyes, sadness, nostalgia and sadness, all kinds of complex emotions, fleeting.

This is a man who can control his emotions.

Thinking about it, he was not an ordinary person in his lifetime.

Gu Qiaoqiao had to go invisible again, but the old spirit body beside her could see her.

After all, she still wants to send him to reincarnation. With such merits and virtues added to her body, she will definitely have a good life.

At this moment, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and there were occasional cars and motorcycles passing by on the road in the distance.

There were also workers on the night shift who hurried home.

But no one looked at them. Come to think of it, as long as Gu Qiaoqiao is invisible, this place is basically the old building waiting to be demolished.

Gu Qiaoqiao heard the old spirit sigh.

But she couldn't stay here forever, so Gu Qiaoqiao asked, "Old man, you also know my identity and ability. Now that you remember it, then, if there is any unfulfilled wish, I can help you fulfill it." ..."

The old spirit murmured to himself, "An unfulfilled wish?"


"I..." He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly looked at Gu Qiaoqiao, and said gently, "Priest, can I leave after I have made my wish?"

Gu Qiaoqiao nodded, "Well, that's right."

Then Gu Qiaoqiao seemed relieved to hear that he was very satisfied with the result.

"When I was alive, all the things I should do and want to do were done. Now I just miss my family. I want to see if they are doing well now?"

"Are you going by yourself, or shall I take you?"

Gu Qiaoqiao didn't know where his home was, and he didn't know if the old spirit wanted her to know who he was.

After all, until now, he hadn't spoken his name.

"The priest will take me there. Although my home is not far from here, I can't leave this area, so I have to trouble the priest."

The voice of the old spirit was respectful.

He didn't believe in these things when he was alive, and he became a spirit body after death and lost his memory, but now that he thinks about it, he has to admit that there are indeed mysterious things in this world.

Not to mention, there are people like Gu Qiaoqiao.

Therefore, spirit bodies have a natural respect for priests who can suppress them.

Naturally, Gu Qiaoqiao would not delay. With a wave of his finger, a wave of spiritual energy surrounded the old spirit body, and his frown gradually relaxed. He looked at Gu Qiaoqiao with gratitude in his eyes.

This little girl is not very old, how can she be so powerful.

The car stopped at the corner, and Xiao Bai and Old Black Cat got into the car.

The old spirit was obviously a little emotional, but he also knew that it was too late to delay the priest's time.

He also got into the car.

Gu Qiaoqiao drove the car and sped towards the direction he pointed.

When it was on and on, Gu Qiaoqiao always felt that something was wrong.

this direction...

Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at the old spirit body again.

Unfortunately, the face is still unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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