Divorce failed again

Chapter 1991 Grandpa Qin!

Chapter 1991 Grandpa Qin!
Gu Qiaoqiao hurriedly turned her head and continued to drive. She really wanted to ask the old spirit body what his name was, the house number of the neighborhood he was driving in, and who he wanted to see...

However, this old spirit body had a serious face and didn't intend to speak at all.

Gu Qiaoqiao pursed her lips and continued driving.

But when turning around the park in the XC district, the silent old spirit suddenly pointed to a courtyard in front of him and said in a low voice, "Priest, stop at the third one in front, thank you..."

Gu Qiaoqiao slammed on the brakes.

He looked back in disbelief at the old spirit sitting next to the old black cat.

The sudden stop made the old spirit startled, while Xiao Bai looked at the people beside him curiously.

Why did the spirit body point to the Qin family's old house just now?
Is it...


No way!
Is this old spirit body actually from the Qin family?
At this moment, in the silent night, on both sides of the silent street, there are dots of lights.

Although it is quiet here, it is the XC district after all, and the people living here are either rich or expensive, so although there are not many pedestrians on the streets here, the street lights on the roadside are shining with a hazy yellow light.

It actually gives people a feeling like a world away.

Seeing Gu Qiaoqiao looking at him in shock, the old spirit couldn't help but frowned, and asked tentatively, "Is this family..."

He didn't dare to ask what happened next.

After all, it has been ten years since I left.

Could it be that something happened to them?

Thinking of this he became uneasy.

Seeing his expression, Gu Qiaoqiao knew that he had misunderstood.

But I can't speak even if I twist my neck like this.

When Gu Qiaoqiao started the car, it was just a matter of kicking the accelerator, and then Gu Qiaoqiao stopped normally this time.

Opening the car door, Gu Qiaoqiao got out of the car, and then the old spirit body and the two cats also jumped out.

Gu Qiaoqiao is still invisible, and at this time the lights in the study of the Qin family's old house are still on.

It's just that the light is not seen from the front, but is transmitted from the gate.

At this time, the gate of the old house was already closed.

Apparently Qin Xuan hadn't rested yet, standing at the gate Gu Qiaoqiao looked complicated, while the old spirit looked at the house in front of him with nostalgic eyes.

Nothing has changed.

It is the same as before, except that the door is paved with bluestone slabs.

Because it was winter, the sycamore trees on both sides of the gate had only bare branches standing upright in the cold winter night.

Maybe it's because of the closeness to the hometown.

Although he is a person who can control his emotions well, his heart is still churning at this moment.Although it was a spirit body, his hands were trembling slightly.

The door is tightly shut.

Gu Qiaoqiao has almost guessed who the old spirit body is in front of her at this time, but she still needs a final confirmation, "Old man, is this your home?"

"Yes, this is my home."

"Your surname is Qin?"

Gu Qiaoqiao blurted out, and regretted it after asking, isn't that obvious?

But the words had already been spoken, so he could only look at the old spirit body in embarrassment, because the old spirit body was immersed in his own thoughts and didn't notice it, he nodded, "Yes, my surname is Qin, and my name is Qin Yugang. It's my home."

It was finally confirmed, and it was almost the same as what Gu Qiaoqiao had guessed in his heart. Gu Qiaoqiao clenched the hand hanging by his side, feeling extremely complicated in his heart.

But she never thought that this old spirit body turned out to be Grandpa Qin who had passed away for ten years.

But this is the first time Gu Qiaoqiao encountered the scene in front of him. It was different from usual. She scratched her head in embarrassment, but she didn't hesitate. Instead, she smiled at Qin Yugang and said directly, "Grandpa , I am Gu Qiaoqiao, my grandfather is Gu Dashan..."

Qin Yugang was stunned suddenly, and his uneasy mood was replaced by shock.

For a moment, it seemed that he hadn't turned the corner in his mind, and murmured, "Priest, your grandfather's name is Gu Dashan, is that my former comrade-in-arms?"

"Yeah, it's him."

Qin Yugang looked at Gu Qiaoqiao hesitantly. This is the granddaughter of an old comrade-in-arms. She is in the imperial capital, she knows herself, and she is still a priest.

I'm a little confused.

Qin Yugang pointed at the Qin family's old house, "Are you familiar with them?"

This time Gu Qiaoqiao laughed a little awkwardly, while Xiaobai let out a meow, which was actually an unkind laugh.

"Grandpa, I married your eldest grandson, Qin Yize. We have been married for six years..."

Gu Qiaoqiao spoke smoothly.

"We have a pair of dragon and phoenix twins. They are two years old. The elder brother is named Qin Sheng, and the younger sister is named Qin Yue..."

"A Ze and I live in the other courtyard of Qin's house. Grandma is also helping to take care of Xiaobao and Xiaobei there today. Only the father-in-law and mother-in-law live here in the old house..."

"Xiaoyu is in college. She is a junior this year and has joined the student union. She is very busy every day."

"Aze has now integrated the Qin family's industries and established the Qin Group. Today's assets have increased by more than a hundred times compared to when he took over."

"Qin Yishan became Aze's assistant."

"Second Uncle and Second Aunt look after their grandson at home, Third Uncle and Third Aunt work very smoothly and have high positions..."


In the night wind, Gu Qiaoqiao's voice seemed to be slightly warm, mixed with a little bit of aura, and then Qin Yugang's heart seemed to be warmed up. Although he was still shocked, he quickly accepted it.

I couldn't help but look at Gu Qiaoqiao carefully, the more I looked at it, the more satisfied I was, the happier I was, the more proud I was.

His eldest grandson is so talented that he even married a priest who can travel between heaven and earth.

But he didn't expect that the granddaughter of an old comrade-in-arms would have such abilities.

Originally, he was supposed to be calm and composed, but he walked back and forth in front of the gate excitedly.

At this moment, Gu Qiaoqiao's phone rang.

The ringtone was set very softly, but it seemed very abrupt in such a quiet night. Xiaobai didn't respond at all, but it startled the old black cat. Gu Qiaoqiao answered the phone, knowing that it was Qin Yize calling .

At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao's expression was a little hard to describe.

The voice on the other end was low and magnetic, "Jojo, are you asleep?"

Gu Qiaoqiao pursed her lips and smiled awkwardly, but she had to tell the truth, "I haven't slept yet, I'm not at home."

Qin Yize on the other end frowned, "You're not at home, where did you go?"

"I'm at the gate of the old house."

There was a moment of silence.

Gu Qiaoqiao pondered for a while, and Qin Yugang, who seemed to be caught in his own emotions, had to twitch the corners of his mouth as he walked back and forth there, "Ah Ze, I want to tell you something, you have to be mentally prepared. "

Qin Yize at the other end immediately became serious.

Grinding his teeth, doesn't Jojo know that it's scary to say such things at night?
"You say it."

"I killed Lin Qinghuan today, she was wiped out and never existed again, and then I found a spirit body in the basement of the XC area."

(End of this chapter)

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