Chapter 1992
Gu Qiaoqiao paused at this point.

Qin Yize at the other end suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.


"...this spirit body is your grandfather...he is right in front of my eyes now, but before that he has forgotten the past, and this matter is a bit complicated, can we talk about it when you come back?"

Qin Yize at the other end was stunned.

As a spirit body, he is composed of yin qi, so it doesn't weigh much. Normally, he can use float, but at this time, Qin Yugang is walking step by step with his hands behind his back, frowning for a while, and for a while. Stretching out, there is bitterness for a while, and a smile for a while, but in the end, the expression becomes relaxed and happy.

Life is alive, life and death are just that. He was brilliant during his life, and he didn't disappear immediately after his death. He actually wandered in this imperial capital for nearly ten years. He thought that he might continue to wander like this, but he didn't expect When I met a priestess, I didn't expect that the priestess turned out to be my granddaughter-in-law.

How should I put that feeling? Although he will never be able to live with them, knowing that his children, grandchildren, father, and sister live happily and in good health, he has already obtained the greatest satisfaction.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Qiao Qiao on the phone.

Qiao Qiao, Gu Qiao Qiao, the granddaughter of an old comrade-in-arms.

I really don't know what kind of fate this is.

And Qin Yize at the other end, even though he has been through many battles and experienced too much ups and downs, he still can't digest it for a while.

Qiao Qiao said that the old spirit body she was going to send to reincarnation turned out to be his grandfather who passed away ten years ago.

When he was young, he was always with his grandpa. Grandpa was very busy with work and traveled all over the world. It is good to see him a few times a year, but every time he sees grandpa, he is the happiest and happiest. time.

Grandpa would tell him stories, stories that no one else knew.

The world that children of the same age can't understand at all, his grandfather will show him one by one.

Let him fascinate, let him feel that he has a goal to strive for.

When grandpa left, he was in his teens, and after a period of sadness, he finally came out little by little.

But time passed by little by little, but he didn't expect that after his grandfather died, he turned into a spirit body and lost his memory, but he was wandering around the XC area.

At this moment, Qin Yize's mood was extremely complicated.

But this person is Qin Yize after all, he just fell silent for a moment and then said softly, "Qiao Qiao, I'll go back tomorrow."

Gu Qiaoqiao naturally knew what Qin Yize meant. He wanted to see his grandfather. After all, according to Qin Yize's current ability, he could see it completely, and seeing it would not affect him in any way. He nodded immediately. He said softly, "Then I'll wait for you to come back."

"It's getting late, you should go home early."

Qin Yize ordered again worriedly.

At this time, Qin Yugang had already walked to Gu Qiaoqiao's side, his eyes filled with longing, excitement, anxiety and uneasiness, and he asked in a hoarse voice, "Qiaoqiao, is it Aze who is talking to you?"

This is his eldest son and grandson, the first grandson of his lineage, and the best and smartest. He has been his pride and love since he was a child.

It's just a pity that he was too busy in those years and spent too little time with his children. When he looked back, he realized that he had grown up and didn't need his company very much. Then he also passed away due to illness. Now the child has grown up and is a father.

He couldn't tell how he felt, but he wanted to hear Qin Yize's voice.

Although the mobile phone that Gu Qiaoqiao is currently using is specially made for Xuanmen, it cannot allow the spirit body to communicate with another person through the mobile phone. This is unrealistic and impossible.

Although they are all in the same space, they are not in the same world.

If you want to make calls, you need to make special modifications to the mobile phone, but this is not necessary.

"...Grandpa, Ze will be back tomorrow, and I will bring him to see you then."

At this time, there was no need to bring Qin Yugang into the old house.

Because Grandpa Qin needs to digest what he has experienced at this time.

Gu Qiaoqiao originally wanted to send him into reincarnation after he fulfilled his wish tonight. After all, for some spirits who have lost their memory, once they recall the past, it means that they will stay in this world. Time is running out.

This is very different from Lin Qinghuan. Lin Qinghuan remembered everything when she became a spirit body. She is a very special existence, and she can naturally wander in the imperial capital.

But Grandpa Qin was different. He forgot everything the moment he became a spirit body. Thinking of everything now meant that he couldn't stay for a long time.

Gu Qiaoqiao also has meritorious deeds.Since he has mastered the third level of the Tongtian Talisman, he has been very comfortable doing these things.

She took out the spiritual energy casually, wrapped the light of merit in it, and hit Grandpa Qin's body, so that Qin Yugang could continue to stay in the imperial capital without being affected.

After all, he is different from others, he seems to have a lot of things to do, and it is impossible for Gu Qiaoqiao to send him to reincarnation immediately.

Not to mention Qin Yugang, Gu Qiaoqiao herself was actually not at peace.

Because Gu Qiaoqiao never thought of such a day.

At this time, Gu Qiaoqiao seemed to think of something, her eyes were filled with water vapor, and she tightly clenched the hand holding the mobile phone, thinking secretly that she should go back to Stone Town, and she didn't know if her grandfather had become If he turned into a spirit body, he must be wandering around Stone Town.

Or maybe it's like Grandpa Qin's state.

But the biggest possibility is that he, like Grandpa Qin, doesn't remember anything.

Recalling that time in the previous life, even though the little uncle appeared at the end, there was no grandfather beside him.

The grandfather who wanted to come to the previous life did not exist.

But at that time, according to the timeline, the little uncle had no interest in the Heaven-reaching Talisman. Naturally, he hadn't practiced the first level, unlike her who has already practiced the third level.

Even if it is the spirit body formed by grandpa, they are still separated by a barrier, and no one knows who is the other.

Therefore, grandpa's spirit body should not exist.

But in the end, she still needs to go back.

Thinking of this, Gu Qiaoqiao took a deep breath, stopped thinking about it, and looked at Grandpa Qin in front of him.

At this time, Qin Yugang was very happy when he learned that Aze would come back tomorrow.

He nodded again and again, "That's fine, I'm still where I used to be, and you can find me there when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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