Divorce failed again

Chapter 1995 Heavenly Eyes

Chapter 1995 Heavenly Eyes
Xiaobei is happy.

He didn't insist anymore, and then he was hugged by Grandma Qin and left the restaurant.

Xiaobao, who was playing with the Rubik's Cube on the sofa beside him, didn't seem to have seen the scene in front of him. He was already immersed in the magical splicing of the Rubik's Cube.

Qin Yize quickly finished his breakfast. Although the scene just now was just a small episode, he still gently interceded for his daughter, "Qiao Qiao, Xiaobei's appetite is bigger than Xiaobao's, so don't control it specially. .”

"I didn't deliberately control him, she was already full, and her habit was very bad."

Xiaobei does have this habit, like this morning, she had already finished her breakfast, but when Qin Yize came back, Gu Qiaoqiao made Qin Yize's breakfast again, Xiaobao pretended not to see it, and played on the sidelines It's his own, but Xiaobei is sitting beside Qin Yize, wanting to have a meal with him.

Although it sounds cute, such words still have an impact on the child's physical development.

As a girl, although she was chubby and cute when she was young, it became her trouble when she grew up. As a girl who also loves to be smug, Gu Qiaoqiao certainly knows this truth.

She doesn't want her daughter to become a big fat man.

Qin Yize stretched out his hand amusedly, rubbed the top of Gu Qiaoqiao's hair, and said dotingly, "You have the final say, it's all up to you."

Gu Qiaoqiao raised the corners of her mouth proudly.

These are just trivial matters. The important thing is how to deal with Grandpa Qin's affairs.

After Gu Qiaoqiao cleaned up the dining room, she followed Qin Yize back to the study.

Xiaobei seems to have forgotten the scene just now, and at this time, he was running wildly in the yard with White Wolf and Xiaobao.

Usually when the sun comes out, I have to take the two children out to bask in the sun and play, which is also very good for their physical development.

So at this time, Gu Qiaoqiao and the others are much quieter here.

"Aze, I let grandpa stay in Luwei Xiaoyuan temporarily, it is very suitable there."

Then he continued, "Accompanies him is an old black cat with spirituality. By the way, it is the old black cat that told us where the black devil went last time."

Unexpectedly, Grandpa Qin had an old black cat to accompany him.

Qin Yize stretched out his hand to hold Gu Qiaoqiao's hand, and said softly, "Qiao Qiao, thank you for your hard work."

"What's the trouble? That's grandpa, not someone else. You don't even know how shocked I was when the car stopped at the gate of the old house."

"I can imagine that I was also shocked when you told me."

"Then what should we do next? According to the procedures for dealing with spirit bodies, after fulfilling his wish for him, we will send him to reincarnation."

Qin Yize frowned.After going to reincarnation, it will be another brand new life, but he has no right to stop this, it is Grandpa's own choice.

But he asked worriedly, "Qiao Qiao, how long can grandpa stay here?"

"I gave him part of the merit light, and grandpa also has a lot of merit light, so it's no problem to stay for a month."

Even if you stay for a month, there will always be a result in the end, Qin Yize asked again, "Can't Grandpa come out during the day?"

"Yes, as long as he draws a talisman on his body, he can come out and walk during the day. I put the talisman into it last night. He should be strolling in the small reed garden now, and he can also go to some nearby places, but Can't go too far."

Qin Yize stood up and said in a low voice, "Qiao Qiao, take me to see grandpa."

After the two of them put on their down jackets, they went out. Xiao Bao and Xiao Bei happily greeted their parents in the yard, and then continued to play with their own. They have long been used to their parents who are elusive.

So even if they didn't take the two of them with them when they went out, the children wouldn't take it seriously, and they had Xiaobai and Bailang, and Dongdong would come here from time to time, so the children were not alone.

Only Grandma Qin shook her head helplessly.

The parents of the Qin family don't seem to spend much time with their children.

Qin Yize drove towards the Qin Group.

After ten minutes, he arrived at the place, parked the car in the garage, and instead of going to the office building, he took Gu Qiaoqiao to the small reed garden behind.

Some high-level executives knew that the big boss had returned early from a business trip, but instead of going back to the office building, they took his wife to the small reed garden behind.

Qin Yang and Qin Yishan felt it was strange, and then they all hurried out, just in time to see Qin Yize and Gu Qiaoqiao open the door of the small reed garden.

Qin Yang is also a relative. Although it is a side branch, it is also related by blood.

And Qin Yishan, that is Grandpa Qin's second grandson.

When he passed away, he was still a teenager, but now he has grown into a tall and handsome young man. He is a husband and a father, and he has already married and established a business. Therefore, at this moment, Grandpa Qin, who is standing by the reed marsh, feels a little emotional.

He didn't know Qin Yang, but Qin Yishan quickly merged with his teenage appearance.

Naturally, there is also his favorite Aze.

In ten years, the young boy has grown into the overlord of the business world, and his actions are full of aggressive momentum and the majesty of the superior.

Even standing there so lightly, there is an aura that cannot be ignored.

Grandpa Qin felt very proud and satisfied.

Qin Yize's eyes were dark, and he was going to talk to his grandpa who was a spiritual body in a while, so Qin Yang and Qin Yishan couldn't see it.

Qin Yize said indifferently, "Go back and do your work. Your sister-in-law and I will take a walk here."

Qin Yishan felt a little strange, what is there to do here in the winter, but he didn't have the courage to ask, but winked at Qin Yang, the other party naturally understood.

It seems that the big hall brother is going on a date with the big hall sister-in-law alone, the two of them can't be light bulbs.

So the two left together.

Gu Qiaoqiao walked to Grandpa Qin's side, pointed at those two people, "That is Aze's cousin Qin Yishan, and the other is Qin Yang, who is very capable, and now these two are Aze's right-hand men .”

And at this time, Qin Yize was already standing beside the reeds. He couldn't see anything under the winter sun, but he could feel that the breath was fluctuating not far from Gu Qiaoqiao. unusual.

Then he looked down, and there was an old black cat squatting there, looking up at him, the one he and Qiao Qiao met that night.

Gu Qiaoqiao stretched out her index finger to draw a talisman in the air, and a sky-eye spell was completed in the blink of an eye, and then turned into a stream of light, reaching the center of Qin Yize's eyebrows.

When Qin Yize opened his eyes, he saw a thin figure standing a few steps away. Although the face was not clear, he recognized it immediately. It was his grandfather.

(End of this chapter)

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