Divorce failed again

Chapter 1996 No one can escape this level

Chapter 1996 No one can escape this level

For a moment, Qin Yize, who was the overlord of the wind and cloud, seemed a little apprehensive like a child.

Grandpa Qin was also full of emotions and his mood was agitated. He never thought that he would have the day when he could see his children and grandchildren.

His voice was choked with sobs, "Aze, don't you know grandpa?"

Qin Yize's expression was gloomy, he clenched the hand hanging by his side, and said in a hoarse voice, "Grandpa, I will never forget you."

After all, it is outside here. Although the sun is shining, the temperature is also very low. It seems that the grandparents and grandchildren seem to have a lot to talk about. Gu Qiaoqiao said, "There is a room here with heating, let's talk there. .”

Because these two people can't finish talking in 1 minute or 2 minutes, it doesn't matter if she and Aze stay outside for an hour, and Grandpa Qin is even more so, but they are not invisible, and it seems a bit weird to be seen by others up.

The Qin Group has a separate boiler room, which belongs to collective heating. Not every room in this area has heating, but only one room has heating. It is the place where ordinary employees stay, and it is very clean and tidy.

Because of the collective heating, although the temperature in the room can't be said to be as warm as spring, it is still a suitable temperature.

Gu Qiaoqiao opened the door, and the grandparents and grandchildren went to the living room, while she left thoughtfully, and then set a barrier at the door.

Gu Qiaoqiao was in another room thinking about how to deal with this matter.

After thinking about it, I called my little uncle.

The little uncle answered the phone quickly.

After hearing what Gu Qiaoqiao asked him, he said in a low voice, "Qiaoqiao, you and Aze, don't be emotional, a spirit body is a spirit body, although it can stay in the world for a short time, but in the end he wants to Disappeared, otherwise, he would have no chance of reincarnation."

"Little uncle, I know this is the case in principle, but I think Aze and the others should find it hard to accept, and Grandma Qin and the others don't know yet."

Gu Qiaoqiao thought to herself, if Grandma Qin and the others find out, they don't know what to do.

"There is nothing difficult to accept. Everything in the world changes from star to star, and life and death reincarnate. No one can escape this level. Even if you and I have the mysterious power of Taoism, there will be a day when it will dissipate. So as long as he wishes, he can Send him to reincarnation, otherwise it will be too late to regret after the merit light on his body is gone."

Gu Qiaoqiao was silent for a moment and nodded, "Uncle, I understand, don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

Then he continued, "Little uncle, it's almost the Spring Festival, so don't go back to the ranch."

Gu Junbai on the other end hummed and put down the phone.

At this time, Grandpa Qin and Qin Yize in the barrier were still talking.

The Qin family has a great career, obviously Grandpa Qin has a lot to ask Qin Yize.

It was almost noon when Qin Yize came out of the house, and Grandpa Qin just found out that his good comrade-in-arms Gu Dashan had also passed away.

After learning his identity, Grandpa Qin hadn't had time to ask Gu Qiaoqiao about her grandfather, Gu Dashan.

Now that I know it from Qin Yize's mouth, I feel sad, but I am also like this now, it's nothing, life and death are a normal phenomenon.

People like them should have seen it through.

And at this moment, Grandpa Qin really wanted to see Xiaobao Xiaobei and Dongdong, who were the third generation descendants of his lineage.

After seeing Gu Qiaoqiao, Grandpa Qin thought about it, but still didn't mention it.

After all, Gu Dashan has passed away for several years, so it is not easy for him to mention it in front of Gu Qiaoqiao. It is said that the relationship between this child and Gu Dashan is the best.

Moreover, what he never expected was that Gu Dashan's real name was Gu Kun, and he was Gu Qingfeng's only son whom he had been looking for for decades.

It's a pity that after finding it, the yin and yang are separated, which can't help but make people feel embarrassed.

At this time, Grandpa Qin's face has calmed down a lot, and for some reason, he feels a lot more relaxed, and Gu Qiaoqiao found that his merits and virtues seem to have increased.

Can't help but look at Qin Yize, secretly guessing in his heart, because after all, they are connected by blood, the two of them stayed together for a whole morning, and the breath would always involuntarily radiate.

If Qin Yize wanted to do this in his heart, some of his merits would be quietly distributed to Grandpa Qin, but this would have a slight impact on Qin Yize, but not much.

Gu Qiaoqiao looked away, and at this time, Qin Yishan came again.

After all, it was already noon, the eldest brother and the eldest sister-in-law stayed here all morning, and they didn't know what to do, but there was always something to eat, so he asked them how they arranged.

But Qin Yishan came at the right time, the second grandson, Grandpa Qin, also wanted to take a good look at it, but it was impossible for Gu Qiaoqiao to open his eyes to him.

Because his physique couldn't bear it.

But Qin Yize could talk to Qin Yishan, and at this moment Qin Yishan certainly didn't know that there was still his grandfather who had passed away for ten years in this room.

If he knew it, he didn't know whether it was a shock or a shock.

At the end of the year, there was a lot of work to report, Gu Qiaoqiao was still in another room, and then Qin Yishan talked to Qin Yize about the work.

Once he talked about work matters, Qin Yishan became serious and his eyes were bright.

In fact, although Grandpa Qin also loves this grandson, to be honest, there are still lengths of ten fingers sticking out, and parents do not treat their children equally, there is always the most loving and eccentric one.

It is also because Qin Yize is so outstanding that Grandpa Qin's eyes are on him the most.

However, at this time, he suddenly discovered that his second grandson is also very powerful, smart and outstanding, calm and polite in doing things, but he also knows that it was not like this before, and it is only after following his big brother in the past few years that he has grown into what he is today.

So all of this can be said to be the credit of Qin Yize, so Grandpa Qin is really relieved that the Qin family will only get better and better in Aze's hands.

His wish is actually not much, especially after knowing everything he needs to know, now he wants to see his old father, his wife, and his sons, of course, the most important thing Let's also look at Xiaobao and Xiaobei's generation, then he will have no regrets.

After Qin Yishan and Qin Yize talked about some things, they looked at the watch on their wrists, then looked at the sister-in-law in the lobby who was sitting in another room playing with her mobile phone, and said with a smile, "Brother, at noon, you two Should we go out to eat alone, or eat in the cafeteria of our group?"

(End of this chapter)

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