Chapter 812

how so?Fang Taihua obviously respected and feared Mommy all those years ago, so he didn't dare to provoke her easily?
But why... is this picture somewhat familiar?

"I don't believe it. You designed the play, otherwise I wouldn't wake up and lie in the same bed with you. He is so good to you, why did you treat me like this? Why did you treat him like that? "

"Hehe, why, let me tell you, if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have ended up where I am now. I've already found out. If it wasn't for him, my parents would never have died. That car accident It is the handwriting of the person you love the most."

"So... that's why you want to ruin my life? I have been misunderstood by the person I love the most in my life. The child has no way to accompany his biological father, and I have suffered from your cold eyes. How innocent is my appearance?"

When her mother's cry came, Luo Xiyan couldn't help but shed tears. She wanted to open the door and walk in, but it seemed that she couldn't touch the door at all, but she walked through the door.

Luo Xiyan didn't have time to think about this, when she saw her mother lying powerlessly on the ground with tears all over her face, "So... so you are going to ruin my child's life? Do you know how I got here all these years? You Why..."

Fang Taihua looked at Luo Lingqian who was kneeling on the ground indifferently, with a mocking smile on his face, "Why? Just because you are his favorite woman, and Luo Xiyan, you don't want him to be with you My surname is because I still miss that man. Since he left me with nothing, I will destroy his most cherished person. I want to see who the final winner will be."

Luo Xiyan's heart felt like being stabbed by a sharp knife, and it hurt so badly that it was hard to breathe.

Why is this happening?

"Luo Lingqian, do you think you are smart? In fact, you are the stupidest one.

Do you really know the man you love so much?Do you know what he did behind your back?Do you know what his real identity is?He didn't mention it to you, did he?Because he never believed you.

How much do you really think he loves you?Ah!You are really pitiful, abandoned by the man you love the most, and living like this. "

Luo Lingqian raised her head in shock, she shook her head in disbelief, "No, it's not like that, it's not..."

"Here, let's take a look." Fang Taihua ignored Luo Lingqian's crying and handed her his mobile phone.

Luo Lingqian took the phone tremblingly, and when she saw the content on the phone, she broke down and burst into tears.

"Fang Taihua, you are really cruel. I have been with you for so many years, and I gave you everything you have now. Do you want to repay your favor?"

Luo Xiyan walked over, trying to see clearly what was written on it, but for some reason, she couldn't see anything clearly.

The mobile phone screen she saw was blurry. Why is this happening?

Luo Xiyan tried her best to dry her eyes, but she couldn't see anything clearly.

But when she heard what her mother said, she thought she had understood the above content.

She couldn't help taking a few steps back, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

She heard Luo Lingqian say: "The child is yours, I have never done it. Fang Taihua and I have nothing...don't hate me..."

"Here, your phone is ringing." A phone message rang, and Fang Taihua stretched out his toe and kicked Luo Lingqian.

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(End of this chapter)

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