Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 813 Who is responsible for Luo Lingqian's death?

Chapter 813 Who is responsible for Luo Lingqian's death?
Fang Taihua stretched out his toe and kicked Luo Lingqian. Luo Lingqian came back to her senses and gave Fang Taihua a hard look.

Fang Taihua didn't say anything, just smiled to himself.

Luo Lingqian turned on the phone and saw the content on it, "Blue Sky Cafe, I'll be waiting for you."

This time Luo Xiyan saw the content clearly, but she still couldn't read the name clearly.

But she could guess that it was probably his cheap father.

Otherwise, why would Mommy smile so happily?
Luo Xiyan followed Luo Lingqian into the car, glanced unintentionally, her pupils suddenly constricted.

This day... this day is the day when Mommy got into a car accident.

"No! Mommy, Mommy, don't! Mommy, don't go, okay? Please..." Mommy...


Luo Xiyan frantically knocked on the car window, the little Luo Xiyan—that is, she was still standing at the gate and waving in the direction where Mommy left.

"Don't... Mommy... Mommy, don't go."

The car drove away, farther and farther, until it disappeared...

But Luo Xiyan found that her footsteps were as heavy as lead, and she couldn't move her footsteps.

Luo Xiyan didn't know why the scene changed again in the next moment.

She was standing in Fangyuan's living room, and when she was a child, she was sitting on the sofa watching TV and waiting for Mommy to come back.

She saw Fang Taihua answer a call, and then he heard a surprised voice.

"What? Dead? How is that possible?"

Luo Xiyan frowned, she can now be sure that everything she saw just now and now is a memory of two or three days before her mother's accident when she was a child.

When she suddenly heard the news of Mummy's death, she had a fever for several days in a row, and when the fever subsided, she didn't remember these things.

The doctor said that he had selective amnesia, because this incident hit her too hard, so he selectively forgot.

When she woke up that year, it was already Mommy's funeral.

But why?
Could it be that Mommy's car accident has nothing to do with Fang Taihua?
It doesn't sound like acting.

Could it be...

Luo Xiyan's pupils suddenly constricted, except for Liu Yurou who had the opportunity to set up an eyeliner in Fang Yuan and tamper with Mommy's car, she couldn't think of anyone else.


Another possibility flashed in Luo Xiyan's mind.

If that was the case, she would not easily let the murderer who killed Mummy go.

"Woooooo... Mommy, Mommy's car..."

The little Luo Xiyan saw the news broadcast on TV, watching on the TV, Mommy's car that looked exactly like Mommy was on fire, and couldn't help crying anymore.

Why is this happening?

Luo Xiyan also saw the picture on the TV. That picture was originally deeply buried in her memory, but now it reappeared in front of her. How could she not feel uncomfortable?

Her body took several steps backwards, and finally she collapsed on the ground weakly.

Why not let her forget?Why should she be reminded?
Luo Xiyan's hands gradually tightened, and a trace of killing intent gradually appeared in her eyes.

Fang Taihua and Liu Yurou are all to blame. It seems that the punishments in the previous life were still too light.

And that man, I don't know if his handwriting was involved in my mother's car accident.

It's best not to, if there is, even if she dies, she will not let that man go.

Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find her out...

life is better than death...

It's all cheap for him.

"Hey, did you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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