Chapter 830

So Xiao Baozi is a little taller than before, with more and more flesh on his face, looking extremely cute.

Ah San and Ah Wu saw the little bun staring straight at them, and felt so soft in their hearts.

They leaned in front of Xiao Baozi, Ah San hugged his small body in her arms, and Ah Wu also grabbed her little hand and pinched it, completely forgetting the purpose of his coming.

Until Jun Ximo appeared at the railing of the stairs on the second floor and called softly.

Ah San and Ah Wu trembled, and they looked at each other, then silently put the little bun on the sofa, and quickly ran upstairs.

"Second Master."

"Grandpa, what you want."

Jun Ximo glanced at the two of them, glanced at the things Ah Wu handed over, then turned and walked to the study.

Ah San and Ah Wu: "..."

The two of them followed silently until they reached the study room, when they suddenly realized that they saw an acquaintance.

"Huh? It turned out to be the two of you? I said Brother Mo, you haven't fired these two yet?"

Ah San and Ah Wu: "..."

Will you speak?If you can't say it, don't say it.

"Yo, who is this? If you don't speak, I don't even know you, that is, once you speak, people will have the urge to beat you. It's hard to forget."

Ah Wu put his hands in his trouser pockets and said lazily.

Guo Xin: "..."

If it weren't for Jun Ximo's presence, he would have rushed up to fight these two people, but think about it, this is Jun Ximo's house anyway, and fighting or something is not good.

He wouldn't admit that he didn't dare to fight because he was afraid that Jun Ximo would throw it out.

In fact, Ah San and Ah Wu have the same thoughts as Guo Xinhui, they don't want to leave a bad impression on Madam, besides, they also want to set an example for Xiao Baozi, how can they just fight when they say they fight.

"You guys, be honest with me."

Jun Ximo was sitting on the sofa at one side holding a cup of tea in one hand and flipping through the documents in the other. The sunlight from outside came in through the window and shone on Jun Ximo's delicate face. With the golden edge, the entire face is exposed to the sun, half of it is hidden in the dark, forming two distinct parts, making the whole person look a little dark.

Several people quickly withdrew their gazes and silently did their own things.

The few of them have been busy for a long time, until noon, the movements of their hands still did not stop.

It was rare for Jun Ximo to lift his head from the document when no one was disturbing him. He looked at Guo Xin who was sitting on the table busy repairing the computer, and then at Ah San who was watching from the sidelines. He and Ah Wu stretched out their hands to touch their chins.

He was thinking, did Ah San and Ah Wu have been free recently?Should I find something for them to do?

Ah San and Ah Wu who were sitting by the side felt a gloomy wind blowing across their backs at the same time, but when they looked back, there was nothing.

Jun Ximo glanced at them, then lowered his head and smiled, put the documents away on the table next to him, stood up and walked out.

After Jun Ximo walked out, Ah San Ah Wu and Guo Xin who were in the room breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure on their bodies disappeared immediately.

The little bun was tired of watching TV, and then he dragged Luo Xiyan to the master bedroom.

Luo Xiyan let the little bun pull her pants and "drag" herself into the bedroom, sitting on the floor, looking at the drawing paper, paints and brushes in front of her, not knowing why.

(End of this chapter)

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