Chapter 831

After Jun Ximo walked out, Ah San Ah Wu and Guo Xin who were in the room breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure on their bodies disappeared immediately.

The little bun was tired of watching TV, and then he dragged Luo Xiyan to the master bedroom.

Luo Xiyan let the little bun pull her pants and "drag" herself into the bedroom, sitting on the floor, looking at the drawing paper, paints and brushes in front of her, feeling a little confused.

Under Luo Xiyan's suspicious gaze, Xiao Baozi picked up the paintbrush from the ground and handed it to Luo Xiyan, "Mommy, draw Nezha."

Luo Xiyan let out a laugh and reached out to take the paintbrush, and the little bun immediately handed the paper in front of her, the corner of Luo Xiyan's mouth twitched with that attentive look.

She reached out to take the drawing paper, put it on the ground, took out a pencil from her box, and spread the paper on the ground.

After a while, a vivid cartoon character appeared on the paper, and the little Nezha was exactly the same as the one on TV.

Xiao Baozi happily picked it up, looked left and right, but couldn't get enough of it, he clapped his hands excitedly, carefully took the painting away, and hid it.

Luo Xiyan watched Xiao Baozi's little movements helplessly, not knowing what to say.

She suddenly remembered that in her previous life, after Xiao Mozi died, she could only rely on some photos to miss him, so she hid in her room every day and quietly drew his appearance, drawing his appearance stroke by stroke pictured.

But then she lost all those paintings, because seeing things and thinking about people, the more she looked at them, the more she missed them.

But Xiao Baozi carefully picked up those paintings and put them in a separate room. Some oil paintings were meticulously framed, and some sketches were also carefully hidden in books...

Luo Xiyan fell into memories, and when she regained consciousness, she felt her face was wet, and the fleeting softness pulled her back from her thoughts.

As soon as she lowered her head, she saw that Xiao Baozi was staring at her with his head up. His pair of dark and bright eyes were shining brightly, like the twinkling stars in the dark night.

"Mummy, I like you the most, don't cry, I will protect you."

The little bun smiled happily, holding Luo Xiyan tightly with both hands, refusing to get off her body.

This is what Jun Ximo saw after entering the room, one big and one small sitting on the ground, and the little one climbed onto Luo Xiyan's body, a pair of small fleshy hands tightly grasping Luo Xiyan's body. In the corner of the pajamas, she was looking up at Luo Xiyan, not knowing what she was talking about.

The older one lowered her head, her bright and clear eyes flashed with tenderness, she stretched out her hand to gently hug the little bun, preventing him from falling to the ground.

Such a harmonious picture, but my heart is a little sour...

"Yan Bao, Baozi."

"Little Mozi."


Luo Xiyan and Xiao Baozi raised their heads to look at the door, and saw the man approaching step by step, with identical smiles on their faces.

Jun Ximo walked up to the two of them and sat on the ground with the two of them. There was a soft carpet on the floor. When Xiao Baozi was playing on the ground, Luo Xiyan was worried that he would catch cold, so she specially added a layer of soft cushions to sit on. Not only will it not feel cold, but it will also be soft, but it will be a little inconvenient for the little bun to crawl around.

Jun Ximo glanced at Xiao Baozi, who was also looking at him, as if he knew what he was thinking, and Xiao Baozi shifted his gaze elsewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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