Chapter 847
"Madam, I have notified the young master, he will come soon."

"Hmm." Madam Jun didn't turn around, her gaze stayed outside the window, she didn't know what she was looking at.

She was wearing a thin red dress, which outlined her perfect figure.The curly hair is not combed during the day, but freely scattered on the shoulders

"Madam, you are unhappy." Uncle Lin behind him suddenly said, Madam Jun's body was startled, and then returned to normal.

"It has something to do with you? Old Lin, don't say what you shouldn't say."

The man behind him sneered, looked at Mrs. Jun's back for a while, and said slowly, "It has nothing to do with me, and I shouldn't care about it. I'm sorry, Ma'am, I overstepped."

There was a slight smile on Uncle Lin's slightly aged face, and his eyes were filled with coldness and vicissitudes.

"Things you shouldn't think about, you should stop thinking about them as soon as possible, so as not to end up badly in the future." Mrs. Jun shook the wine glass in her hand, with a sneer on her lips.

Uncle Lin also laughed, ironically and bitterly.

When had he ever cared about whether he had a good death?All he cared about was her.

But she never looked him in the eye.

Unable to end well?Ah……

"Old Lin..." Mrs. Jun turned around, drank the rest of the wine in one gulp, put the wine glass on the table next to her, and walked slowly to Uncle Lin.

"You're doing something for me, please?"

"what's up?"

Uncle Lin looked at the face close at hand, and subconsciously wanted to back up, but the hand that fell on his arm did not allow him to back up.

Mrs. Jun sneered, she tiptoed to Uncle Lin's ear, she didn't know what to say.

Uncle Lin's face changed and changed, and finally became gloomy and scary.

"Do you have to do this?"

"Must." Mrs. Jun's tone was firm and undeniable, and Uncle Lin looked at the face that overlapped with his memory, and suddenly felt a little dazed.

"You are not afraid that the young master will find out later..."

"Okay, just say whether you will do it or not! Why are there so many nonsense? If you don't do it, I will find someone else."

"But if the young master finds out in the future..."

"He won't know, never will know, as long as you don't tell me and I don't tell him, he won't know. Anyway, you have done it many times, and this time is not bad. Just give me a good word .”

"Okay. But this is the last time."

Uncle Lin frowned and thought for a while in silence, before finally agreeing.

Outside the door, a fiery red sports car drove in. Mrs. Jun glanced at it, then stepped back a few steps to distance herself from Uncle Lin.

Uncle Lin watched Mrs. Jun's movements silently, then turned around and left the room.

Jun Lingfeng walked in with a frown, and walked straight to the master bedroom. He stood at the door for 2 minutes before reaching out to knock on the door of the room.

"Come in."

Jun Lingfeng pushed the door open, walked to the sofa and sat down, completely ignoring Mrs. Jun who was in the room.

Madam Jun didn't care, she poured a glass of red wine on her own, walked to the sofa and sat down, savoring it carefully.

"What's the matter?" The voice was cold and alienated. Madam Jun was taken aback by such a tone. When she thought of the message from the person who arranged for Jun Lingfeng, she couldn't help but frown.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Look at your current appearance..."

"What do I look like?" Jun Lingfeng interrupted Mrs. Jun before she could finish her sentence.

 Sorry, I forgot to set the time at noon today. I just came back from a full meal and will update it immediately. There are still two thousand in the evening.

  It is now in the manuscript deposit period, so there will not be too many updates, but NO.11 will explode with more than [-] updates. Ah Fei is working hard to deposit manuscripts, so stay tuned, cuties...

(End of this chapter)

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