Chapter 848: Broken Arm
Jun Lingfeng was leaning lazily on the sofa, with his hands crossed over his chest, and his legs crossed on the table in front of him. He looked so lazy.

Madam Jun didn't know where to vent the anger that had been accumulated all day, but Jun Lingfeng's appearance and tone of voice completely aroused the anger in her heart.
"For a woman? Ask me what I look like? Just like you, which girl can fall in love with you?"

This sentence also angered Jun Lingfeng. He narrowed his eyes slightly, slowly straightened up, and looked directly at the woman in front of him, "Oh... yes, I am indeed not as good as you in terms of seductiveness, but you Don't worry about my affairs, don't think I don't know that you have someone to supervise the video."

Mrs. Jun's eyes twinkled guiltily, and her gaze was a little dodged.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Jun Lingfeng smiled coldly, with a sarcastic smile on his face, he took out his mobile phone and made a call, and followed the instructions on the other end of the phone: "Hurry up, bring your things."

"Don't be stupid, I've been enduring you because you are my mother, but it doesn't mean I have no temper. Don't use me to satisfy your desire to control."

He is a person, not an object, let alone a puppet at the mercy of others.

"I'm doing it for your own good. If it weren't for the people I sent to follow you a few days ago, you might still be lying in the nightclub now."

Jun Lingfeng took out a cigarette from his body, lit it, and took two puffs.

The smell of tobacco gradually dissipated, and the smoke also permeated the air, adding a heavy atmosphere to the room invisible.

"Mom... I used to respect you a lot. You want me to be better, so I will try to be better. But that doesn't mean I don't have my own ideas."

"Your so-called good for me, if you think about it carefully, is it really good for me?"

Jun Ximo sneered, his lips parted slightly, and just as he was about to say something, he heard a knock on the door.

When Mrs. Jun heard the knock on the door, she immediately put away the slightly ferocious expression on her face and returned to her usual elegant appearance.

Jun Lingfeng snorted coldly in his heart, and let the people outside come in.

The door of the room was pushed open, and two men in black suits walked in carrying a large sack.

Mrs. Jun looked at the sacks in the hands of the two men, and there was still fresh blood on them, which looked shocking.

"You...what are you doing?"

"What's in here?"

"Why do you bring everything into the room? Do you know it's bad luck?"

Mrs. Jun's words were weaker than her words, and there was a slight tremor in her voice.

The two men carrying the sack in their hands put the sack on the ground and opened it under Jun Lingfeng's gaze.

Mrs. Jun originally thought this was Jun Lingfeng's prank, so although she was a little nervous, she still didn't believe that he would do anything to her biological mother.

But she underestimated how cruel Jun Lingfeng was.

If he becomes ruthless, no one will be able to stop him, let alone who you are.

"Xiao...Xiaofeng, what are you doing?"

"Ah... ah ah ah..."

Madam Jun stepped forward, and the moment she really saw what was in the sack, she couldn't help screaming.

"Take it, take it for me quickly."

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Jun Lingfeng saw that Mrs. Jun was no longer calm and elegant as usual, but now she looked like a shrew shouting.

 Hey, I made Ling Feng worse and worse...

(End of this chapter)

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