Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 882 He Is The Most Likeable Egg

Chapter 882 He Is The Most Likeable Egg
Mr. Lu also knew that if he treated Lu Tian with his usual attitude, it would only make things worse, so he simply softened his attitude.

"Oh? Why?"

Qi Feng raised his eyebrows, and Bo Chun lightly raised his eyebrows.

After so many years of hard work in the mall, he clearly understood the real purpose of people like the Lu family coming to the banquet.


The girl next to Mrs. Lu is called Lu Ling, right?

Staring at him like a fly on a rotten egg made him uncomfortable.

Huh?No, when did he become a rotten egg?
He is obviously the most lovable egg, okay?

How could his bright egg be a rotten egg?

"Young Master Qi, what do you want? As long as I can give it, I will definitely give it." Father Lu blinked at Qi Feng, making a silent hint.

But Qi Feng understood such a hint.


No wonder Luo Xiyan hinted that she wanted to help Lu Tian, ​​she didn't expect her family to be so disgusting.

Lu Tian also understood the true meaning of her biological father's eyes.

Involuntarily, they took two steps back. No matter how strong their mental capacity is, even if they had expected such an ending, when these words really came out of their mouths, they still couldn't help but feel chilled.

What kind of environment has she lived in these years?Qi Feng could not help but frown.

"Young Master Qi, what do you think?"

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to say it, I will definitely agree."

Qi Feng raised his eyebrows, but he didn't refuse. He turned his head to look at the woman beside him, and asked silently.

Lu Tian pointed at herself in a daze, with doubts in her eyes.

"Are you asking me?"

"Yes." Qi Feng is usually quite talkative, but it is only limited to people he is familiar with. This is the time he has spoken the most except in front of people he is familiar with.

"Is anything ok?"

Lu Tian looked at Qi Feng cautiously, those eyes stared at her like a wounded deer, they were wet, and they looked very cute.

Qi Feng couldn't help but lose his mind for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he secretly spurned himself.


This simple word looks ordinary, but it is unusual in the eyes of everyone.

After all, it is more difficult than climbing to heaven to get Qi Feng's love, and now it is unbelievable to be done by a little girl.

"I want a Lu family to break away from all ties, and I want a house."

The girl made a lot of determination to try and usually said this in a quiet hall.

The girl's voice was very gentle and sweet, as if it fell on people's hearts without a sound.

After the girl said what she really wanted, Zhongte you present fell into a frantic discussion.

Saying such words on such an occasion obviously caused a sensation.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Tian's behavior is very irrational.

You know, it is difficult for a little girl to gain a foothold in this society by relying on her own strength, let alone a little girl who is so beautiful that she can be described as delicate.

"Lu Tian, ​​do you know what you are going to say?"

"I know. But it's something I've always felt like doing, and I don't regret it."

She looked up at her biological parents and sister in front of her.

"Lu Tian, ​​I'll give you one more chance. I don't care what you said just now, I can pretend that I didn't hear it. Come here now."

"I don't." Why should I go there?

(End of this chapter)

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