Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 883 Well, it's sticking with cream

Chapter 883 Well, it's sticking with cream

The little girl looked at the ferocious Father Lu, and couldn't help but move closer to Qi Feng.

In the end, he hid behind Qi Feng, but he didn't dare to touch Qi Feng with his hands.

In her eyes, to be more precise, a man like Qi Feng is like a star in the sky, who can only be seen from a distance, but never touched.

Besides, he is the general manager of Di Ye, and he is not someone she, a little girl, can afford to provoke.

What she can do is to hide behind Qi Feng when Qi Feng is not angry, so that Father Lu can't do anything to her.

Qi Feng raised his eyebrows, turned his head and glanced at the little girl hiding behind him, he was rarely angry, and the corners of his mouth were full of interest from beginning to end.

"You also saw that this girl doesn't want to go back with you anymore, what's your opinion?"

Their opinion?

Of course they disagreed.

"No! I don't agree, I absolutely disagree." Mrs. Lu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly screamed, causing everyone's attention to turn to her.

"Auntie, who are you?" Qi Feng raised his eyebrows, feeling the body of the little woman behind him trembling slightly, his body unconsciously moved two steps forward, blocking Mrs. Lu's frightening sight.

Madam Lu's face suddenly turned blue and white.

If it weren't for such an important occasion and the people in front of him that he couldn't afford to provoke, according to Mrs. Lu's temper, she would definitely go berserk.

Luo Xiyan and Jun Ximo were sitting on the sofa, eating pastries while quietly watching the good show here.

Jun Ximo held the plate for Luo Xiyan, and the fork in his hand missed a piece of pastry into Luo Xiyan's mouth.

Luo Xiyan ate with relish and enjoyed watching it, this was simply a battle between the rich and powerful, although the battle was not intense.

Why doesn't she help?Isn't that guy Qi Feng a hero to save the beauty?What is she going to do?

Besides, she didn't feel at all that such a trivial matter required her to take care of it herself, and Qi Feng would definitely be able to handle it, so it was better for her to eat with peace of mind.

so sweet...

"Is it delicious?" Jun Ximo looked at Luo Xiyan while paying attention to the movement over there.

He stretched out his hand and gently wiped the corner of Luo Xiyan's mouth. Luo Xiyan turned her head and looked at him suspiciously. He chuckled softly, "Here, look, it's covered with cream."

"How old are you?" Although it seemed full of disgust, it was more gentle and pampering when Jun Ximo spit it out from Jun Ximo's mouth.

Luo Xiyan gave Jun Ximo a white look, then opened her mouth, waiting to be fed.

Jun Ximo smiled and gradually tightened the hand holding the plate, it was really... It was so itchy, he wanted to reach out and rub her head.

Jun Ximo obediently handed over the cake, and took another tissue from the side to wipe the corners of Luo Xiyan's mouth.

"No more food."




Jun Ximo shook his head helplessly, resolutely opposing Luo Xiyan to eat early.

"I have to." Luo Xiyan is rarely willful, but Jun Ximo still ruthlessly rejected Luo Xiyan's request.

"Silly girl, if you continue to eat, our baby will be supported."

Luo Xiyan, whose nose was pinched, shook her head fiercely, shook off Jun Ximo's hand, and gave him a fierce look with an expression like I'm upset and you can do it yourself.

Jun Ximo had no choice but to finally compromise, "Eat the last piece."

A smile appeared on Luo Xiyan's face immediately, and she nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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