Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 884 Take advantage again

Chapter 884 Take advantage again
She moved her face closer, opened her small mouth, and waited for Jun Ximo to feed herself.

Jun Ximo's eyes flickered, he ate the pastry into his mouth, and then used his mouth to treat Luo Xiyan.

Luo Xiyan's eyes were round and round, staring at the handsome face so close, she felt a little indescribably angry.

I was taken advantage of again...

Not to be outdone, Luo Xiyan bit the second master's lips hard.

Jun Ximo let out a low cry of pain, but fortunately, everyone present did not notice them, and their attention fell on Qi Feng.

Not long after, Jun Ximo said with a satisfied face that Luo Xiyan's lips were loosened, and seeing Luo Xiyan's somewhat red and swollen lips, his eyes dimmed.

Luo Xiyan glared at Jun Ximo fiercely. On such an occasion, she was so unruly.

Brother, your aloof image is completely ruined.

Jun Ximo just smiled in a low voice and didn't speak again.

The debate over there has also come to an end.

Originally, Mr. Lu saw that Qi Feng had been protecting Lu Tian, ​​so he wanted Qi Feng to make a request for Lu Tian, ​​but who knew that Qi Feng directly gave Lu Tian the opportunity to make the request.

And Lu Tianyou made a request that he didn't expect - to sever all ties with the Lu family.

Luo Xiyan couldn't help but be shocked when she heard this sentence, this girl was comparable to her newly reborn self.

When she was just reborn, she didn't want to get too involved with the Fang family, so she directly exposed some of their conspiracies, and then drove them out of Fang Yuan.

Jun Ximo was also aware of this problem, and couldn't help but take another look at the little girl.

Qi Feng really has a good eye... Let him.

If Qi Feng knew what Jun Ximo was thinking, he would definitely vomit blood.

Of course the Lu family disagreed with such a thing.

Leaving aside that Lu Tian is hardly likable, as long as she has value, that's enough.

Lu Tian, ​​Luo Xiyan and even Qi Feng are protecting her, which means that Lu Tian must still have value in their eyes.

A pawn that is still useful and can play a huge role, how can they give up so easily.

But with Qi Feng around, all their little calculations will not be in vain.

He used the scandal of the Lu family group as a threat, and even said that if the Lu family did not follow the agreement, he would not guarantee that the Lu family could see the sun tomorrow.

The Lu family had no choice but to agree.

They believed that Qi Feng definitely had such ability.

Even if Qi Feng is not the real person in charge of Di Ye, he is indeed Di Ye's second in command. His words are absolutely credible, and even his ability is beyond the estimation of everyone present.

After everything was dealt with, Qi Feng directly waved someone to drive the Lu family out.

He turned his head and looked at the little girl beside him: "You just left Lu Lu's house like this, have you ever thought about how you should go in the future?"

Lu Tian looked embarrassed and shook her head.

She didn't think about it, she just thought about staying away from that family.

Qi Feng raised his eyebrows, this girl is so courageous, I really didn't expect that this girl would be able to say the words to sever ties with the Lu family when she was not prepared for anything.

Luo Xiyan came over, looked at Qi Feng, and then at Lu Tian who was in a daze.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Tiantian?"

"Sister Yan, no, it's fine."

Lu Tian was a little nervous, she didn't want others to think that she came into contact with Luo Xiyan for the sake of climbing high.

She was afraid that Luo Xiyan would look down on her.

(End of this chapter)

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