Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 885 She Is Not His

Chapter 885 She Is Not His

It was Qi Feng, who explained what he had just encountered in simple language.

Luo Xiyan nodded, with a meaningful smile on her lips.

"No place to live? It's easy. Qi Feng..."

Qi Feng who was called suddenly coughed twice, "Ma'am, I can't do anything about it."

It would definitely not work to let the little girl live with him, it would be misunderstood by others, and it would be bad for the little girl.

But if he let the little girl come out to live by herself, he would feel a little sorry, and give him a house directly?

This girl is not his....

This girl must have come to restrain him, Qi Feng thought to himself.

"It doesn't matter to me, really, I still have some savings these years, enough for me to live for a while, don't worry about it."

"And I actually have a place to live, but I haven't been there before."

The little girl's eyes are bright, her delicate face is chubby, and she looks very cute.

Qi Feng felt that he suddenly thought of Xiao Baozi, and really wanted to pinch his face to see if it was as soft as Xiao Baozi's.

Qi Feng, who realized what he was thinking, was taken aback by such a thought, and suddenly came back to his senses, covering his lips and coughing lightly twice.

"Then what, I still have something to do, so I'll excuse you first."

Luo Xiyan put her arms around her chest, and stared at the direction Qi Feng left with a playful face.

Seeing that the two girls had something to say quietly, Jun Ximo stood up consciously and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he did not forget to kiss Luo Xiyan's forehead twice, making everyone who looked at them envious.

Luo Xiyan simply asked about Lu Tian's future plans and where to live, and the two seemed to get along very well.

Not long after, a man with black framed eyes came over and greeted Luo Xiyan.

"Miss Luo, our husband invites you to go over."

Luo Xiyan remembered that this man was Jun Lintian's assistant, and even Lu Tian noticed that this man used "Miss Luo" instead of "Young Madam" when addressing Luo Xiyan.

There was a hint of doubt on Lu Tian's face, but this was not the question she should ask, so she had no choice but to remain silent.

Luo Xiyan transferred to a group of people, where Jun Lintian was sitting.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but Jun Lintian's gaze just happened to come over, and he met Luo Xiyan's gaze.

"I don't know what Mr. Jun wants me to go there?"

"This... I am an assistant who doesn't know about the master's house, so if Miss Luo is interested, you can ask our husband in person."

Luo Xiyan nodded, put the pastry plate in her hand on the table next to her, said something to Lu Tian, ​​got up and walked towards Jun Lintian.

In a corner of the hall, there were basically men sitting at a table, and Luo Xiyan was particularly eye-catching when she walked over.

Jun Lintian drank the wine on his own, as if he didn't see Luo Xiyan, and said this to the people around him.

Luo Xiyan sneered in her heart, is this because she wants to show her identity in front of outsiders?

I'm really sorry, I'm afraid his wishful thinking was wrong.

"Mr. Jun, is there something important that you called me over? If not, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Luo Xiyan turned around and was about to leave after speaking.

When Jun Lintian heard Luo Xiyan's words, he almost spit out the wine he had drunk.

He quickly adjusted his emotions, raised his head and called Luo Xiyan to stop.

 Originally, I was going to update [-] in the early morning, but my body was a bit too much, so I went to bed first, and I will update during the day.

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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