The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1008 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1008 Meeting in a narrow road (3)

"I'm busy here, you answer first, and I'll go over when I'm done." Han Shushu replied calmly.

"Young master said, let you go there immediately." The servant said, and was about to rush up to pull her.

Han Shushu had no choice but to shrink his hands: "All right, all right, I'll go to the main hall."

I hope you don't run into Nangong again.

She has confidence in her face, but she is still a little afraid of facing an old fox like Nangong.

God bless, don't fight her.

When Han Shushu ran to the main hall, he saw someone in the main hall from a distance, wasn't it the lingering Nangong?

"Yuanbao, come here and meet Xiaoyao Wang." Qian Shanze ordered to Han Shushu.

Han Shushu went to Nangong in a regular manner and saluted: "The little one has seen the prince."

Nangong looked at the inconspicuous little book boy in front of him, and ordered quietly: "Look up!"

Han Shushu complained fiercely in his heart, why do these people always say this line in their dialogue?She is a little book boy, what's so good about her?

According to her words, she raised her eyes and looked at Nangong.

Nangong hooked Han Shushu again: "Come here."

Han Shushu subconsciously looked at Qian Shanze.

Qian Shanze's expression was cold, and he never looked at her directly.

Counting on Qianshanze, it seems like a fool's dream.

She took two steps towards Nangong, and Nangong grabbed her chin directly.Looking left and right, his gaze finally settled on her eyes.

Nangong looked into the eyes of the little book boy in a daze.This person's eyes were dull and blank, but he somehow felt a little familiar.

Although this little book boy looked ordinary, he had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Little Shutong, are you willing to follow me?!"

Nangong's next words almost made Han Shushu's jaw drop in shock.

She once suspected that Nangong recognized her, otherwise how could she poach a corner the second time she saw her?
Don't say that Han Shushu was in doubt, even Qian Shanze was confused.

This little book boy is charming.

When he saw the little book boy, he took him with him.

Even Xiaoyao Wang, who has seen countless people, wants to take the little book boy with him after seeing him.

"Return, return to the prince, the little one is vulgar and reckless, and just wants to be the son's book boy with peace of mind, thank you for your love." Han Shushu muttered, lacking in confidence.

She understands Nangong's temper.

If he wants to get something, even if he uses any means, he will get it.

I don't know if Nangong will let her go easily.

"Is the eldest son willing to part with you?" Nangong said, looking at Qian Shanze.

When Nangong said this, Han Shushu was not surprised.

She knew that the embryo surnamed Nan was mentally ill.

Qian Shanze took it as a difficult condition.Speaking of it, I am still a little bit sad.Although the little book boy has only been with him for a day, he is very fond of him.

But people don't fight with officials, even if he doesn't like it in his heart, he can't refuse.

"Yuanbao, it's your blessing that the prince sees you, why don't you thank the prince for your kindness?" Qian Shanze shouted towards Han Shushu.

Han Shushu was very unwilling, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.

She thanked Nangong as she said, and obediently stood by Nangong's side.

When the green shirt saw her, he gave her a contemptuous look, as if he was hostile to her.

"My sister is so beautiful." Han Shushu sang praises to the green shirt.

Lushan snorted coldly, and didn't look at her at all.

She closed her mouth in boredom and stood by.

After standing with her for a quarter of an hour, she was really a little tired, so she whispered: "Sister Beauty, I want to go to the latrine, is that okay?"

The green shirt glared at Han Shushu, and said coldly, "Go."

(End of this chapter)

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