The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1009 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1009 Meeting in a narrow road (4)

Green Shirt looked at this little book boy anyway, and always felt that this person was too wretched.

Han Shushu couldn't get what he wanted, and was about to urinate, but Nangong raised his lips softly: "Does my king allow you to go?"

He, the prince, is here, and the little bookboy doesn't ask his opinion, but only looks at the green shirt's eyes, how can there be such a servant who doesn't know how to measure?
"My lord, can the little one go to the latrine?" Han Shushu held his breath and asked again.

"That's right."

As soon as Nangong said this, Han Shushu hurried out of the main hall.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that several people in the main hall were looking at her back.

Could it be that she really showed some tell?

She even changed her walking posture. If she could be recognized like this, wouldn't that be slapping Mr. Ge in the face?
She had better run away before it was too late.

I don't need the burden at all, it's important to leave the villa first.

Thinking of this, she hurried to the fence of the villa.

Halfway through, she felt something was wrong again.

She felt that someone was watching her every move in the dark. It felt like a needle was on her back. It must not be Nangong watching her in the dark.

Thinking of this, she turned to the direction of the hut...

After watching the little bookboy enter the hut, Nangong appeared from the shadows.

The green shirt asked puzzledly: "Why did the prince follow Yuan Bao?"

Is there something wrong with Yuanbao?

"In your opinion, is there anything wrong with this bookboy?" Nangong asked quietly.

"Those eyebrows are evil, he doesn't look like a good person." The green shirt replied truthfully.

Anyway, she didn't like the book boy the first time she saw him.

She just didn't understand why her master kept such a person by his side.The little book boy is too ordinary, has no special features, and is not worthy of serving the prince.

"I have asked someone about it. Yuanbao has not been in the villa for a long time, but was transferred to Qian Shanze's side the day before yesterday. I think there is something wrong with this bookboy." Nangong's eyes flashed a cold edge.

Anyway, it's okay to be idle, and it happens that there is such an interesting person by my side, so it's not bad to play a game of cat and mouse.

"My lord is right in judging people. If my lord said that there is something wrong with Yuanbao, there must be something wrong with Yuanbao. The servants will keep an eye on him!" The green shirt replied with downcast eyes.

"This king will keep an eye on him personally, so you don't need to worry about it."

As soon as Nangong's words came out, Lvshan stared at him.

This is strange, the master would actually stare at a person himself, which proves that Yuan Bao is quite capable.

Han Shushu went into the hut for a while before coming out, and saw Nangong waiting outside.

Her heart trembled, what kind of play was this?
Before that, she felt that someone was spying on her secretly, so she had a long-term mind, and she didn't want to really deceive her.

"My lord..."

Before Han Shushu opened his mouth, Nangong suddenly grabbed her chin forcefully and kept looking at her face.

It seems that if you look at her for a long time, you can see the flaws on her face.

"Give me a laugh!" Nangong ordered quietly.

Han Shushu was a little flustered when he heard this.

Her disguise technique is fine, but this smile is easy to make mistakes.

She was anxious, and knelt down in front of Nangong: "Young, if there is something wrong with the little one, the little one must be corrected, and please forgive the little one..."

This time, Nangong directly twisted her back collar, like twisting a rag.

"My lord told you to laugh, didn't you hear?" Nangong approached her, with cruelty flashing in his eyes.

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Han Shushu grinned slightly, wanting to smile but not daring to do so. This smile was uglier than crying.

(End of this chapter)

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