The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1011 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1011 Meeting in a narrow road (6)

At night, Han Shushu was called to him by Nangong again.

Nangong still looked at her with that puzzling look, as if he wanted to dig a hole in her face.

Han Shushu couldn't stand still.

After a while, she mustered up the courage to ask: "Your Majesty, you don't like men, do you?"

Nangong sneered.

"Do you think this king is interested in a man like you?"

Han Shushu looked away in embarrassment: "Otherwise, why does the prince always look down on women with this kind of eyes?"

She really suspected that Nangong's sexual orientation had changed in recent years, and she fell in love with men.

She stood here for two quarters of an hour, and he just looked at it for two quarters of an hour, just barely stripping her clothes for a closer look.


Nangong drank a single word in a deep voice.

"Yes." Han Shushu bowed his knees and left the bedroom with his head buried.

After leaving the bedroom, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he escaped again.

No matter what, we must run away tonight.

Unexpectedly, the green shirt stared at her closely and kept staring at her.

"Sister, I want to take a bath, will you come too?" Han Shushu looked at the green shirt and asked.

Sad reminder, do you want to be so obsessed?
She really suspected that the green shirt had taken a fancy to her, and that's why she kept pestering her like this.

"My lord said, you are not a good person, let me keep an eye on you. You don't have to take a bath tonight, wait for your lord's order to act! Also, don't try to play tricks. If you dare to escape, this girl will break your leg!"

The green shirt threatened her.

Han Shushu laughed dryly as an answer.

She didn't take a bath tonight. She hadn't been able to wash herself for two nights, and she was almost covered with bugs.

That day, Han Shushu slept until midnight, her eyes widened suddenly, and she got up cautiously.

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, a person jumped out of the darkness and blocked her way with a sword: "Where are you going?!"

"The cottage." Han Shushu lied without blinking.

Should she take the opportunity to drug Green Shirt?
But if the medicine was really taken, Nangong would find out that Lushan had been poisoned the next day, and her suspicion would be even greater.

After pretending to go to the hut, Han Shushu turned back and fell asleep.

What she didn't expect was that the person she least wanted to meet would come to Qianshan Villa.

If she knew, she would run away from this broken place desperately.

Early the next morning, after Han Shu got up, he found that the green shirt was missing.

Not only did the green shirt disappear, but even Nangong disappeared.

Such a good opportunity is simply a gift from God.If you don't leave now, when will you stay?

Thinking of this, she ran straight to the wall of Qianshan Villa.

The funny thing is that the journey went smoothly without any trouble.

It wasn't until she jumped out of the wall of Qianshan Villa that she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, as long as you walk out of the villa, you don't have to face Nangong again.

Come back after a while, and go down the mountain to play for ten and a half months, just treat yourself as a leisurely vacation.

Thinking of this, she was in a good mood, humming a little tune and ran down the mountain.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and not long after she went down the mountain, a group of people came to meet her.

At first she didn't pay attention to it, humming a little tune out of tune, bouncing and continuing down the mountain.

"Who, stop!!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, which startled Han Shushu.

She stiffened her body and quietly looked towards the source of the voice.

When she saw the other person's face clearly, her eyes widened and she was completely dumbfounded.

The man quickly came to her and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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