The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1012 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 1012 Meeting in a narrow road (7)

Han Shushu subconsciously pointed in the direction of Qianshan Villa.

She came out from there, so she was naturally a servant there.

But why did Chu Yun appear in this ghostly place?Shouldn't he, a first-rank bodyguard, be serving the current emperor in the palace?

"I'm asking you something, dumb?!"

Chu Yun looked up and down the servant in front of him, and the more he looked, the more he felt that this person was not a good person.

Han Shushu's breath was stuck in her throat. After a long time, she took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm the servant of the villa. I'm going down the mountain to do some shopping."

"What's the matter?" Another familiar voice came from inside the sedan chair.

Han Shushu heard it clearly, his face was as pale as paper.

OMG, God, is this the rhythm to kill her?

She was about to run away almost subconsciously.

It happened that the people in the sedan chair raised the curtain of the sedan chair and saw her sneaky back.

The man fixed his gaze, and curled his lips in a soft voice: "Bring that troublesome little thief to me!"

Han Shushu's face turned green when he heard the word "trickster".

Although she is indeed a thief now, but she didn't write the word "thief" on her body, why did he think she was a thief at a glance?
Besides, she looked like a good citizen, so how could she be a villain?

"Your majesty, I also feel that this young servant doesn't look like a good person!" Chu Yun replied following his master's words.

Han Shushu tried his best not to curse at Chu Yun.

They are not good people to master and servant.

Damn, isn't she just stealing something occasionally, and she's not a bad person.

I don't know if she will be able to escape if she runs under the noses of these masters.

Before she could figure out what to do, Chu Yun had already come to her and pulled her to the front of the soft sedan.

"Your Majesty, the little thief is here, what should we do with it?"

Chu Yun bent ninety degrees to the man in the sedan chair.

That slave appearance made Han Shushu amazed.

This is so simple, Chu Yun lived longer and returned more and more, and almost didn't carve the word "servant" on his forehead.

The car curtain was lifted by a pair of handsome hands, revealing a handsome male face.

To be honest, Han Shushu was really not ready, because she never thought that she would be able to meet him face to face in this life.

In the past five years, rumors about him have been flying all over the world.

I heard that there is no such person as Chu Shisan in this world, only the emperor named Chu Mubai.

I heard that there are too many beauties in his harem, and sometimes he has to favor several beauties a day.

It is also heard that he has a violent temper and his favorite thing to do is to kill and torture people.

However, under his rule, Southern Chu prospered day by day, and the state continued.

There are many, many rumors about him. She goes out to the empty valley once a year, and she hears it occasionally, and it is only as if she is listening to the story.

But when his face appeared in front of her without warning, she was still a little flustered and confused.

Legends are just nothing.

Only when you see this person, you will know how powerful he has become.

The bridge of his nose is straight, his eyes are long and narrow, and his obsidian-like pupils are so black that they seem to drip ink.His thin lips were as red as blood, blending with his sickly pale face, there was a strange evil and coldness.

Especially his eyes, after being stared at for a long time, it feels like a poisonous snake's upper body, which makes people tremble uncontrollably.

The chill emanating from his body made her feel like she was in a thousand-year cold pool.

"Your Majesty, why waste time for a petty thief..."

A delicate and beautiful voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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