Chapter 1014 She has the old and the young (2)

Didn't you say that Chu Mubai is doing well?
It's not that he, the emperor, has a very romantic and happy life, why is he putting on a dead face now?

"In the future, without my order, you are not allowed to leave my side for half a step, keep up."

Chu Mubai gave an order in a low voice, turned around and walked forward.

Han Shushu followed behind him helplessly, not daring to get too close, but not too far away, in short, it was annoying.

If she had known this, she should have run away last night, otherwise she would not have encountered this troublesome surnamed Chu.

"Troublemaker, why are you called Yuan Bao?" Chu Mubai's voice came from the front.

When Han Shushu heard this question, his expression was a little weird.

She just picked her baby's name to use because she was lazy.

"My father and mother named me, and I don't know why." She replied insincerely.

It's really lenient, she told Yuan Bao to be none of his business!
"Shu Shu just likes Yuanbao, she likes everything about silver, this seems like a name she would take."

Chu Mubai's next words made Han Shushu dryly laugh.

If she had known this, she would not be so lazy, and changed to a slightly more normal name, such as Xiaohu Xiaobao.

Chu Mubai looked back at her, saw that she was silent, and said again: "Why don't you ask who Shu Shu is?"

"Slaves, slaves don't dare to cross the line." Han Shushu stuttered under Chu Mubai's stare.

"When Shushu is nervous, he also stutters." Chu Mubai's next words made Han Shushu's heart rise to his throat.

"It's a pity that she died..." Chu Mubai murmured silently.

Han Shushu's heart tightened, and he could hear the sadness in Chu Mubai's tone.

She walked out of his life in this way selfishly, and she felt it was for his own good.However, he still didn't seem to let her go.

Why, hasn't it been five years?
There are so many women who come and go in his life, how could one of them catch his eyes?
"My Majesty, please mourn."

Seeing that Chu Mubai seemed to have been petrified, Han Shushu cautiously persuaded him, feeling a little sad inexplicably.

Maybe she was just purely infected by him with his emotions.

"I'm fine!"

Chu Mubai came back to his senses, his eyes rolled around, and there was a cold and evil aura between his brows and eyes. He stretched out his long arms and brought Han Shushu to him: "Forget it, from now on you will be my friend." little pet."

"I'm a man!" Han Shushu was startled and blurted out, reminding Chu Mubai of this fact.

"You dare to call yourself 'I' in front of me?" Chu Mubai pinched Han Shushu's chin forcefully, his tone cold.

"Slave, slave is a man." Han Shushu nervously corrected his speech.

Chu Mubai must not become a pervert that men and women will not let go, she can't stand it!

"Whether you are a man or not, I want you as a little pet." Chu Mubai's eyes fixed on Han Shushu's eyes.

Those eyes were dull and dull, but they always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Those eyes, if he would admit it, were bundles.It's just that Shun's eyes are very lively, clear and bright, but the thief's eyes are gray, as if covered with dust.

Seeing Chu Mubai staring into her eyes, Han Shushu was too nervous to breathe vigorously.

Don't be seen as wrong.

From today onwards, as long as there is a chance to run away, it doesn't matter even if you reveal your secrets.

"Troublemaker, show me a smile."

Chu Mubai stared at Han Shushu for a long time, then said suddenly.

Han Shushu's face turned bitter when he heard this.

If she laughed, it might arouse Chu Mubai's suspicion even more.

(End of this chapter)

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