Chapter 1015 She has the old and the young (3)

But the emperor opened his mouth, can she not laugh?

If she doesn't smile, she is resisting the decree, which is a serious crime of beheading!

Under compromise, Han Shushu pursed his lips and smiled.

"Open your mouth!" Chu Mubai said, touching the corner of Han Shushu's lips, causing her to back away in fright.

Chu Mubai stretched out his long arms and brought Han Shushu to him.

This touch is also like a beam...

Chu Mubai stared blankly at the man in front of him, once again wandering off into the sky.

"Is the emperor okay?" Han Shushu struggled a bit, and finally broke out of Chu Mubai's control.

I saw that Chu Mubai seemed to be out of his body, and he didn't know what he was thinking, as if he only left a body.

"Follow me!" Chu Mubai ordered coldly.

Han Shushu kept complaining, and she followed Chu Mubai with her head bowed, looking around from time to time, thinking about how she could get out of this place of right and wrong.

If it was said that she was afraid that Nangong would recognize her, then the man surnamed Chu did not play his cards according to common sense. Who knows what cheap tricks he would use to deal with her?
After arriving at an exquisite garden named "Noble Man's Pavilion", Chu Mubai walked in as a matter of course.

"Chu Yun, come find a set of women's clothes!" Chu Mubai raised his voice.

Han Shushu's face changed when he heard what women's clothing he was looking for.

She suspected that Chu Mubai wanted her to wear the so-called women's clothing, it was disgusting.She is a man now, how can she wear women's clothes?
However, Chu Yun was looking for women's clothes very quickly, and came back in less than a quarter of an hour, holding a set of women's dresses in his hand.

"Put it on!" Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu coldly.

Han Shushu shook his head: "A slave is a man, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, and he will never wear women's clothing!"

nausea!How could Chu Mubai be so perverted?What kind of women's clothing should a random man wear? If she wears it, will Chu Mubai recognize her as a woman?

"My words are the imperial decree. If you dare not wear them, I will kill you!" Chu Mubai approached Han Shushu, a bloodthirsty killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Han Shushu pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Sure enough, she had a conflict with the man surnamed Chu. He wanted to kill her after seeing each other for five years.

She has old and young, but she can't die.

The question is, what if he recognizes me in women's clothing?
Just when she was depressed, a person rushed in suddenly.

She followed the figure of that person, a little light flashed in her eyes.

She thought, her savior has come.Isn't this person Xiaocao?
"Thirteen, I heard that you caught a thief before you even arrived at the villa..." Before Xiaocao finished speaking, she saw Han Shushu standing beside her.

The moment she saw Han Shushu, Xiaocao was a little confused.

She walked up to Han Shushu and walked around her: "Are you a thief?"

Why does this person look so kind?

Han Shushu coughed lightly: "I'm not a thief."

If she told Xiaocao her identity, would Xiaocao save her life?
Or, will Xiaocao help her escape from Qianshan Villa?

"Thirteen says you are who you are." Xiaocao said, raised Han Shushu's chin, looked left and right, and looked carefully.

Han Shushu found that everyone had the same problem.Everyone raised her chin when they saw her, and they really didn't know what to look at.

"The emperor wants me to change into women's clothes, girl, do you want to persuade the emperor?" Han Shushu whispered.

Xiaocao was taken aback when he heard the words, then looked back at Chu Mubai, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Thirteen, don't you think you've taken a fancy to this little thief?" Xiaocao joked.

(End of this chapter)

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