Chapter 1019 She has the old and the young (7)

As Chu Mubai said, he wanted to throw the troublemaker out of his hands.

When he weighed her, he frowned again.

This body is so light, don't you usually eat it?
The bundle is also so light, as if the wind blows it will fall down...

And Han Shushu was pinched in the air by Chu Mubai, should he throw it or not?

"Miss, help the little one." Han Shushu begged for help from Qian Shanxue, who was standing stupidly by the side.

Only then did Qian Shanxue come back to her senses, and she timidly opened her mouth: "Yuan Bao is used to being wild and doesn't know the rules. If he accidentally offends the emperor, please take care of him and don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Only then did Chu Mubai regain his senses, and threw the unsightly troublemaker away: "Without my order, you are not allowed to appear in front of me!"

The woman left him cruelly and was dead.

How could he look for her shadow in a man?

He has made a lot of progress in the past two years, why did he meet such an eyesore as soon as he entered Qianshan Villa?

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Han Shushu replied excitedly, wishing for nothing.

Her high voice attracted Chu Mubai's sideways glance.

Han Shushu realized that he had lost his composure, so he hurriedly bent over ninety degrees, stepped back several steps, and stood still until he was out of sight of Chu Mubai.

"Do you want to run again?" Xiaocao's voice woke her up.

"Without your permission, I dare not." Han Shushu lowered his voice, afraid of being heard by Chu Mubai's ears.

After that, Xiaocao stared at her closely, even if she was about to go to the hut, Xiaocao followed closely behind, never giving her a chance to escape.

On the other side, the Snow Fox Terrace.

Chu Mubai was immersed in his own thoughts, looking absently at the two snow foxes hugging and rolling.

In the past, he and Shu Shu were so affectionate, but in the end it was he who killed her.

"Your Majesty..." Qian Shanxue's soft voice woke Chu Mubai up like a dream.

His gaze was fixed on Qianshan's delicate face like flowers and jade. After a long time, he drew a cold smile: "You also want to be my harem concubine?"

Qian Shanxue did not hesitate, and nodded bravely: "Minnv met the emperor once a few years ago, after that time, Minnv no longer looked at any other man..."

"I do have three thousand in the harem. If you insist on doing so, you can also become one of them. But the ugly thing is to say that if you enter the harem, you are still a widow. I can't give you anything. Maybe one day I don't like you, I will give you away, or kill you!"

Chu Mubai's eyes were cold, his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, his slightly pursed thin lips were sexy and cold, and he looked at Qian Shanxue expressionlessly.

Qian Shanxue didn't expect Chu Mubai to speak so directly.

Don't they all say that the current emperor is suave and suave, and he loves all the concubines in the harem?Why is the man in front of me different from the one in the legend?
"Will the emperor not forget Miss Han?" Qian Shanxue asked in a hoarse voice after hesitating for a moment.

The next moment, she was strangled by Chu Mubai.

She found the answer instantly.

Sure enough, Chu Mubai still couldn't forget Han Shushu, the woman who was once notorious but held in Chu Mubai's palm.

She looked at Chu Mubai fearlessly, and hissed, "If, it is Xue'er's blessing to die in the hands of the emperor."

Chu Mubai's heart skipped a beat.

He remembered that Shu Shu also said the same thing.

In the end, Shun did die at his hands.

Shu Shu asked him not to commit crimes, but he killed so many people.If she is alive, she will definitely come back to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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