Chapter 1020 She has the old and the young (8)

Shu Shu said that he is not allowed to lean on any woman in his arms, he "favors" so many beauties every day, and the number of beauties in the harem is too much to fit.In the end, Shu Shu still didn't come back and question him why he didn't keep his word.

He thought, Shu Shu was really dead, if not, she would not come back to find him...

"Forget it, as you wish, I will bring you with me on the day I return to Beijing." Chu Mubai had just finished speaking before he disappeared in front of Qian Shanxue.

Qian Shanxue wept with joy.

She can enter the palace, she should be happy, why is she crying?
This afternoon, every time Han Shushu wanted to run, Xiaocao would see through her intentions.

She never expected that the person blocking her way would be her most trusted Xiaocao.

Why did she dig her own grave?It is simply to lure wolves into the house!
It doesn't matter, when it's time for the dinner, Xiaocao specially arranges her to be the closest to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai's status is so noble, of course he is sitting in the first seat, and the only person standing beside him is actually a little person like her.

What's even more tragic is that she still has to stand aside and serve. This is not a human life.

Chu Mubai originally wanted to ignore this person who was so much around him.

Unexpectedly, this person is restless, moving around from time to time, and still sighing, even some of his small habitual movements are very restrained.

Thinking of this, the wine glass in his hand shattered.

The movement on his side aroused everyone's peeping.

"I'm tired, the dinner is over." Chu Mubai said as he stood up, and was about to leave, when he saw the ecstatic expression of a troublemaker.

That look is really an eyesore!
Han Shushu was secretly happy, thinking that he could be relieved.

The next moment, Chu Mubai twisted the collar of her back, twisting it away like a rag.

"I'm going to kill you!!"

She also heard Chu Mubai's gnashing of teeth.

What vicious thing did she do that Chu Mubai wanted to kill her?
"Thirteen, give Yuanbao to me for training. After I have finished training, let her serve you."

While Han Shushu was struggling, Xiaocao came out and said after them.

Han Shushu couldn't ask for more.

Until Chu Mubai threw her to Xiaocao, she thought she had escaped.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, she was pushed into the bath by Xiaocao.

"How can you do this?" Han Shushuchu was unwilling to go in at the door.

How could Xiaocao become so evil?
Knowing who she is, but pushing her to Chu Mubai's tiger's mouth.Let Chu Mubai know her identity, she will definitely not be able to run away again.

"If you don't go in, I'll tell Shisan that you are..."

Before Xiaocao's threat was finished, Han Shushu ran into the bath by himself.

What's the big deal, anyway, Chu Mubai doesn't like to see her.

He will drive her away!
Her heart beat like a drum, and the closer she got to the direction of the bath, the more nervous she became.

No prospects!
Isn't it just a man's body? It's not like she hasn't seen it before, so just treat it as a work of art, and it's free, so don't look at it for nothing.

Others had no chance to see it, but she didn't need to pay for it.

It was only when she saw Chu Mubai's naked back that she felt her body was very hot, blushing and her heart beating.

Please forgive her for being a normal woman with normal physiological needs. When she sees such an attractive man's body in front of her, it is only natural for her to have thoughts.

"What are you still doing there, serve me to take a bath!"

Chu Mubai glanced coldly at a certain troublemaker standing not far behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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