Chapter 1021 She is a bundle (1)

This person has an evil aura all over his body, especially when looking at him, he seems to be swallowing his saliva.

He is not a woman, why does Yuan Bao look at him with such eyes?
Chu Mubai was puzzled by this point.

Han Shushu took a deep breath. Fortunately, she was wearing a human skin mask, otherwise Chu Mubai would have seen that she was blushing.

There's no way, she hasn't seen a man's body for a long time, so she has evil thoughts about him.

sin sin! !
She slowly moved to the side of the bathtub and scrubbed Chu Mubai's back vigorously.

She almost touched his sexy back, alas, she must be too horny, right?
Chu Mubai must not have imagined how dangerous he is now.

Just when she was staring straight at Chu Mubai's naked back, Chu Mubai said coldly: "The back has been rubbed, no one taught you how to take a bath?"

Is it necessary to rub off a layer of his skin before giving up?

"Small, the little one has never served before, no, no, the little one went to find a lady to come and serve—"

Han Shushu stammered and was about to run away, but Chu Mubai grabbed her hand: "I don't like women!"

Han Shushu's eyes widened suddenly: "Does the emperor like men?"

Otherwise, why let her take care of the bath?

Chu Mubai showed a charming smile when he heard the words, and he pinched her chin frivolously: "I really like men, you sleep with me tonight. Wash yourself!"

As soon as he tried hard, he threw her into the bath.

Unprepared, Han Shushu fell into the bath with a bang and drank several mouthfuls of dirty water.

She struggled to get up in embarrassment, and when she looked up, she saw Chu Mubai trembling with laughter, obviously her embarrassment pleased his evil taste.

Perverted, getting worse and worse!
She hurriedly climbed out of the bath, and Chu Mubai's evil eyes kept fixed on her, making her very uncomfortable.

It wasn't until she ran out of the bath in a panic that she breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xiaocao saw her coming out, she wanted to ask her for questioning, but she led her away from the bathing pool.

"Damn girl, if you dare to put me and him together in the future, I will ignore you again." Han Shushu glared at Xiaocao.

Xiaocao looked away aggrieved.

Isn't she also for their good?

Thirteen has not been living well these years, she knows that only Shun can make Shisan better, why is Shun so ruthless to leave behind the people and things in the past?
Seeing Xiaocao wiping tears aside, Han Shushu patted Xiaocao's shoulder helplessly, and said in a low voice, "I'm doing well, I have my own new life, and I really don't want to get entangled with Shisan anymore. Xiaocao, when I decided to leave five years ago, I never thought about turning back."

She is very happy and happy, she is very satisfied.

One cannot be too greedy.In the past, she was too greedy, so she ended up with nothing.

"But what about Thirteen? He hasn't had a good life these years. The three thousand in the harem are all a cover, and he has been waiting for you to come back to find him..."

Xiaocao cried and fell into Han Shushu's arms.

Han Shushu was stunned.

Why tell her this?
"Let me think about it, don't bother me." After a while, Han Shushu pushed Xiaocao away and walked away with heavy steps.

Xiaocao was stunned for a long time before remembering to find Han Shushu.

She had to keep an eye on Han Shushu at all times, so as not to be run away by Han Shushu.

As a result, she searched for a long time, but there was no trace of Han Shushu.

She didn't know that after Han Shushu left her, he quickly found his hiding place...

(End of this chapter)

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