Chapter 1022 She is a bundle (2)

Han Shushu changed into a female skirt and a human skin mask.Disguised, she went to a remote place.

When the night gets darker, she will go to Xuehu Terrace.

She explored the road during the day and she already knew how to go.

Since she came here and was frightened, she had to take a snow fox with her no matter what.Otherwise, she would not be able to return to Rongrong Valley.

After Chu Mubai got out of the bath, he returned to the Noble Man's Pavilion.

He subconsciously searched for Yuan Bao, but he couldn't see the sneaky troublemaker.

"Where's Xiaocao?" Chu Mubai asked in a deep voice.

"I didn't see her go back to the other garden." Chu Yun replied in response.

"Xiao Cao should be with Yuan Bao. That girl seems to like Yuan Bao very much, you go and take them back to the other garden!" Chu Mubai ordered quietly.

Chu Yun didn't dare to neglect, and sent people to look for Xiaocao.

Xiaocao quickly found her, but she didn't want to go back to the other garden.

Asked her why, Xiaocao said that she was in a bad mood and wanted to relax outside.

With no other choice, Chu Yun had no choice but to return to the Noble Man's Pavilion.

"Where's Yuanbao?" Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun coldly.

Only then did Chu Yun realize that he was alone: ​​"Just now I only saw the grass, but not the ingot."

"Trash! It's gone, and I haven't found it yet!" Chu Mubai became angry immediately, and jumped up against the case.

Chu Yun was about to find someone, but saw a blur in front of him, and Chu Mubai was nowhere to be seen.

What's going on here?
It's just a servant, as for making the emperor so nervous?

Chu Yun left the Noble Man's Pavilion in a hurry, looking for more people to find Yuanbao.

That room, Han Shushu, hid for a long time, and when he saw his son's time approaching, he stopped hesitating.

She wears a mask that covers even her eyes but does not obstruct her vision.This was also the inspiration given to her by Nangong pretending to be a masked person.

Eyes are the easiest place to reveal secrets. As long as she hides her eyes, even if the theft fails, it will not prevent her from escaping.

She didn't know that at this moment, Chu Mubai was already searching for her personally.

If she knew about this, she wouldn't dare to be greedy if she was killed, and leaving the villa first is the kingly way.

Han Shushu ran into Xuehu Terrace with lightness kung fu.

In the past few years, she hasn't learned any other skills, but she has learned eighty to ninety percent of Mr. Ge's wonderful lightness kung fu.It is also thanks to Mr. Ge's personal suggestions, as well as Mr. Ge's daily training, that she has achieved some success in lightness kung fu.

She herself has a soft spot for light work.

After all, with good lightness skills, it is very convenient to escape when you meet someone you don't want to see.

Han Shushu quickly found Xuehu. She hadn't started to catch Xuehu, but the snow fox who rushed to her during the day seemed to recognize her, and jumped into her arms on his own initiative.

"Little guy, you are so cute." Han Shushu hugged Xuehu excitedly and kissed her.

She brought the snow fox home, her baby must be very happy.

After putting Xuehu into the bamboo basket, Han Shushu quietly ran out of Xuehu Terrace.

But a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way: "Where did this little thief dare to steal Xuehu?!"

Han Shushu didn't dare to say anything, but stared at the visitor with wide eyes.

It's really unlucky that it was Chu Mubai who spoiled her again.

For other people, she is confident that she can avoid it.

But Chu Mubai's martial arts and lightness skills are so good, if she wants to escape, it will be very difficult, right?
Chu Mubai looked up and down at the masked man in black in front of him.

The whole body of the masked man in black was wrapped under a black skirt, and his long hair was fluttering. He could tell it was a woman at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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