The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1048 Install, continue to install!

Chapter 1048 Pretend, keep pretending! (4)

Han Shushu hurriedly responded, and she gave Qian Shanze a little bow, and hurried to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai looked back at the Qianshan brothers and sisters who were not very good-looking, and opened his lips: "Qianshanze, I want two snow foxes! In a quarter of an hour, I will send the snow foxes to my hands."

Dare to poach his corner and covet his woman?He will let Qian Shanze taste the ecstasy of losing a loved one!

Qian Shanze turned pale when he heard the words, and looked at Chu Mubai in disbelief.

Chu Mubai's demand for a snow fox has already caused heavy losses to the villa, and now the young emperor actually wants to go with both of them. Would he be deceiving people too much? !
Not to mention that Qian Shanze hated Chu Mubai so much that he wanted to gnash his teeth, even Han Shushu felt that Chu Mubai went too far.

Although she also came for the snow fox, she only wanted to steal one. How could Chu Mubai be so ruthless to take away all the treasures of the Qianshan family?
Seeing the ugly faces of the Qianshan brothers and sisters, she couldn't bear it when she remembered that she was with their master and servant, so she blurted out: "Your Majesty, is it enough to take a snow fox?"

Anyway, leave a way for others to survive.

As soon as she spoke, she received Chu Mubai's cold look.

She touched her nose bored, feeling like she was adding fuel to the fire.

"Are you reluctant to part with Qian Shanze?"

Chu Mubai's eyes were gloomy, staring closely at Han Shushu's side face.

After only being in the villa for a month, have you developed feelings for Qian Shanze?

In the past five years, how many men she has had and how many men she has liked...

This thought was fleeting, making his eyes a little frantic.

He clenched his fists tightly...

"Of course not! The little one just thinks that the snow fox is the treasure of the villa. If they are going to leave, the world will think that the emperor is oppressing others, which is not good for the emperor's reputation."

Han Shushu lowered his eyes and replied.

What she said was indeed what she said from the bottom of her heart.

She didn't dare to look at Chu Mubai, but she could feel that Chu Mubai's eyes were fixed on the top of her head.

"Forget it, leave one snow fox, and the other one will be delivered to me in a quarter of an hour." Chu Mubai shook his sleeves and left.

Han Shushu was surprised and delighted, but he didn't expect Chu Mubai to listen to her advice.

She looked back at Qian Shanze, with a big smile on her face, and wanted to wave goodbye to Qian Shanze, but Chu Mubai went back and forth, dragging her away.

"Emperor, Your Majesty, can you walk slower?"

Han Shushu felt that Chu Mubai's legs were too long, and it was difficult for him to follow.

Chu Mubai turned his head to look at Han Shushu, and saw that she was short-legged and small, and she was very embarrassed when he was pulling her away.

A little smile flashed in his eyes, and he quickly corrected his expression: "It's ridiculous! You can't walk fast by yourself, how dare you make me slow down?"

Even so, he slowed down his pace, fearing that she would accidentally fall.

"The little ones are not troublemakers." Han Shushu replied sullenly.

The one surnamed Chu is so fierce, he is the Emperor Diao.

She squinted her eyes half-closed, and her sight was fixed on his generous back.I always feel that everything is not real, she and he can still walk together like this, their hands are clasped together, as if they have never been separated.

What should I do, I just held his warm palm, and I don't want to let go...

Aware of what he was thinking, Han Shushu's ears turned red.

A shameless woman can't help but be tempted. Once she gets close to this troubled person surnamed Chu, she doesn't know what happened in the past and the past, and completely forgets the sufferings she suffered in the past.

Along the way, Han Shushu scolded himself no less than a hundred times.

(End of this chapter)

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