The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1049 Install, continue to install!

Chapter 1049 Pretend, keep pretending! (5)

While Han Shushu was feeling resentful, she was pushed into a carriage by Chu Mubai.

Soon, a little snow-white thing jumped into her arms, staring at her with big eyes.

"It will be yours from now on. Troublemaker, don't kill me."

Chu Mubai's voice made Han Shushu wake up like a dream. She looked at Xuehu, and then at Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai meant that Xuehu would belong to her in the future?
She doesn't even need to steal anymore, she is already the owner of Snow Fox?
Why did Chu Mubai throw such a good treasure like Xuehu to her, a so-called troublemaker?He kept claiming that she was a troublemaker, but he was still so kind to her as a troublemaker, what a strange thing!
Although she didn't want to admit it, she still felt that she might have revealed something.

If you think about it carefully, you will know, but she used to always make excuses for herself.

Chu Mubai always asked her to test the poison, but all the delicious food went into her stomach, and she even finished the Millennium Saussurea Soup.

With one word from her, Chu Mubai asked for only a snow fox, and let Qianshan Villa survive.

Now, Chu Mubai still throws Xuehu to her as a pet. Doesn't this show that he knows her identity?

The one surnamed Chu is no more cunning than before, more cunning and difficult to deal with.

He clearly recognized her, but he didn't show any signs.

Pretend, keep pretending, let's see whose acting skills are better!

"Don't like it?" Chu Mubai asked uncertainly seeing Han Shushu looking down at Xuehu, too quiet.

He thought she would like this little thing, so he asked Qianshan Villa to hand it over.

"I like it." Han Shushu touched Xuehu's fur and replied in a low voice.

So soft, slippery and comfortable, such a cute baby, who wouldn't like it?
Hearing this, a smile appeared on Chu Mubai's lips.

nice! You love it.

If he had known this before, he should have both of them come over, and they would all be pets for Shu Shu.

In this way, the group left Qianshan Villa.

Before going down the mountain, Han Shushu opened the curtain of the carriage and looked towards the entrance of the villa.

I saw Qian Shanze and Qian Shanxue standing in the front, and another person standing in an inconspicuous corner, that was Nangong.

Even though they were so far away, she could still feel the cold light in Nangong's eyes, sending chills down her spine.

She hastily put down the car curtain, and when she turned her head, she met Chu Mubai's bottomless pupils.

He made a sinister and cold smile, which made her scalp tingle.

Chu's smile is so bad, is he plotting against her?
"Troublemaker, lie down." Chu Mubai ordered in a cold voice just as her heart was agitated.

Han Shushu was silent.

It's a troublemaker again, wouldn't you be happy if you don't call her a troublemaker for a moment?
She lay down helplessly, because the road down the mountain was too rough, and it was not stable to lie down.

Seeing Han Shushu's frown, Chu Mubai also found out what the problem was.

"Chu Yun!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Yun appeared.

"You know that the road is not easy to walk, but you still let me ride in a carriage, do you want to torture me?!"

His cold eyes fixed on Chu Yun's face, killing intent suddenly appeared.

Chu Yun was so startled that sweat oozes from his forehead, he hastily replied: "The humble job will prepare a soft sedan!"

Chu Mubai returned to normal, lightly waved his sleeves, signaling Chu Yun to back down.

Turning his eyes, Chu Mubai saw Han Shushu sitting on the innermost side of the carriage, the place farthest from him.She looked at him like she was looking at a monster.

"Troublemakers, come over!"

Chu Mubai hooked his fingers lightly towards Han Shushu, raised his hands and raised his feet, indescribably coquettish and charming.

Han Shushu's heart beat a little faster, and she had to admit that Chu Mubai had changed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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