The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1050 Install, continue to install!

Chapter 1050 Pretend, keep pretending! (6)

Before that, Chu Mubai was Shura who had just walked out of hell, so she didn't dare to get any closer.The next moment he turned into a world-renowned monster, making her mouth dry.

Is this person changing too fast?
After hesitating for a while, she still moved slowly to Chu Mubai's side.

Chu Mubai raised her chin frivolously, with undisguised evil thoughts flowing in his eyes.

Seen by Chu Mubai, her hands were sweating, and she unconsciously hugged Xuehu tightly in her arms.

Xuehu whimpered in pain, and only then did she realize how nervous she was.

"You are already one of my people, when do you plan to go to bed?" While speaking, Chu Mubai approached her, leaning his head on her shoulder and neck, and suddenly bit her neck lightly through her clothes.

"The little one is an attendant, not the emperor's concubine, no, no bed attendant..."

Han Shushu stammered a little nervously, pushed away the man who was pressing on him, stepped back quickly, and stared at him vigilantly.

He was afraid that he would suddenly become violent and throw her down.

It's over, after he knew that she was Han Shushu, he directly wanted her to sleep with her, even though she was still wearing a man's coat.

"That's right." Chu Mubai replied thoughtfully.

Han Shushu didn't understand what Chu Mubai's answer meant.

Could it be that he wouldn't touch her if she said she didn't go to bed? Is that so?
After going down the mountain, the carriage was changed into a comfortable and large chair sedan chair, and the people who carried the sedan chair were eight martial arts masters with high qinggong.

She and Chu Mubai sat on the sedan chair together.

The sedan chair is very large, with fruits and snacks placed on it.

Sadly, Chu Mubai leaned on her lap, looking very comfortable.

But for some reason, she always felt that something was wrong with Chu Mubai.As for what was wrong, she couldn't tell.

It was the third day of May, and the new moon was bright and white. Chu Mubai, who was lying on her lap, fell asleep, but cried out, and suddenly jumped up...

Han Shushu heard it clearly, his name was "Shushu".

It turned out that in his dream, she had a place.

After Chu Mubai woke up, he looked at Han Shushu absent-mindedly.A variety of emotions flashed in his eyes, Han Shushu didn't have time to see the truth, he had already got off the soft sedan chair and flew away.

Chu Yun quickly followed up.

Han Shushu sat on the soft sedan in a daze, not understanding what happened.

She only vaguely knew that something was wrong with Chu Mubai.As for what was wrong, she couldn't say.

At dawn, Chu Mubai came back to her.

She hadn't slept all night and had been dozing off.

So when Chu Mubai came back to her, she knew what time it was.

After Chu Mubai got into the sedan chair, she kept looking at her face. She didn't know what this man was looking at. Could it be that he was studying what kind of human skin mask she was wearing?

Afterwards, Chu Mubai leaned against her chest, and she opened her eyes only at the sound of his steady breathing.

Chu Mubai's face looked very peaceful, and there was nothing wrong with it.

She took his pulse again, it was steady and powerful, and the frequency was a bit fast, other than that, there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Is she thinking too much?Chu Mubai is fine and not sick.

Her greatest wish in this life is to hope that he will be well, be a good emperor, and be safe and sound.

Before the sun set on the fourth day of the lunar new year, Chu Mubai had disappeared without a trace.

His disappearance lasted for a day and a night.

When Chu Mubai came back again, it was already the early morning of the sixth day.

On this day, they arrived at the famous Wanhua Mountain in Southern Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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