The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1078 Listening to the government behind the curtain: tie her to the belt

Chapter 1078 Listening to the government behind the curtain: tie her to the belt (4)

Chu Mubai asked nonsense, of course she didn't want him to get married.There are enough women in his harem, and he is sick again, how can he have so much time for women?
"This is a political matter, and it's not convenient for me to intervene." Han Shushu whispered, almost vomiting blood with anger.

A dead man must have done it on purpose.

"Just give me a word, to marry, or not to marry!"

Chu Mubai saw water stains on the corners of Han Shushu's lips, and wiped them lightly with his cuff.

Han Shushu saw that everyone was eavesdropping. If she said that she would not get married at this moment, everyone might rush up and hack her to death.

"If it is for the sake of good relations between the two countries, we should marry each other." Han Shushu replied calmly.

Chu Mubai took a deep look at Han Shushu, with no emotions on his expression.

It took him a long time to say: "You are generous! That's all, as you wish."

After speaking, he drew the curtain to block Han Shushu's face.

Han Shushu sat on the imperial concubine chair blankly, feeling a little bored in his heart.

What does it mean to do as she wishes?
He asked her in public, can she still ask him not to get married?
After retiring from the court, the matter of the marriage between the North and the South was settled in this way.

Han Shushu was still thrown onto the chariot by Chu Mubai, and they sat side by side, which made Han Shushu a little dazed.

She glanced at Chu Mubai from time to time, but Chu Mubai seemed to have something on his mind, and never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

She was most afraid that he would suddenly get sick again.

It's daytime now, and it's outside again. If something goes wrong, she's afraid that she might not be able to deal with him who is tall and burly.

Later, she was also immersed in her own thoughts until she returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She just wanted to walk, but Chu Mubai rushed ahead of her, hugged her horizontally, and under the stunned gaze of everyone, he hurried towards the inner hall.

"Thirteen, what's the matter?"

Han Shushu asked cautiously.

His mood changes too fast, and she can't keep up with his rhythm, so don't get sick again.

Chu Mubai remained silent, his thin lips were tightly pressed together, his red lips seemed to bleed, a bit coquettish, and made her very nervous.

She always wondered if she had come back to see him earlier, would she have found out that something was wrong with him earlier.So he won't be as sick as he is now?
After five years, she was not confident that she could cure him.


Chu Mubai's emotionless eyes made Han Shushu very nervous, so she yelled again with a louder voice.

It was only then that Chu Mubai seemed to be relieved, he looked straight at her: "Shu Shu, you must love me very much, don't you?"

"Yes." Han Shushu nodded without hesitation, who could she love if she didn't love him.

Could it be that he wanted to ask her this question when he hugged her in?
"How much love? Does it mean that I have Sangong Sixth Court and you love me too?" Chu Mubai asked again in a low voice.

Han Shushu was taken aback.

She didn't think about it.

Come to think of it, the answer is yes.

"Well, I love you no matter how many women you have." Han Shushu replied softly.

Chu Mubai's eyes were getting colder, and the obsidian-like deep pupils gradually extinguished the sparks in them. He shook his head: "You must be lying to me. You are not Shushu. She doesn't like me having other women. Tell me, what are you doing?" Who is it, why are you pretending to lie to me?!"

As he spoke, he threw Han Shushu away.

Han Shushu hurriedly stood firm. Seeing that Chu Mubai was emotionally unstable, she didn't dare to provoke him, and she didn't know how to persuade him.

At this time, it is better not to talk, and they will discuss it after he calms down.

Thinking of this, she wanted to stay away from Chu Mubai.

(End of this chapter)

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