The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1079 Listening to the government behind the curtain: tie her to the belt

Chapter 1079 Listening to the government behind the curtain: tie her to the belt (5)

Before Han Shushu moved, Chu Mubai suddenly rushed behind her and hugged her tightly.

She felt pain all over her body, as if her body was about to be broken by her. She resisted the discomfort and let him hug her tightly like this.

"You are Shushu, this is her body, and you smell like her. Shushu, don't run away, I won't hurt you..." His frantic breath sprayed on her neck.

When he bites her neck, she passively absorbs his passion.

Afterwards, she was thrown down by him on the icy ground, and he tore her dress roughly, occupying her body like a wild beast.

Han Shushu gasped in pain, and Chu Mubai's fiery lips moved on her face.

He kept saying: "The bunch is mine, it's mine..."

I don't know how long it has passed, but Chu Mubai finally let her go.

His heavy body pressed against her, and the hostility on his face gradually disappeared.

He seemed to be asleep, just leaning against her side.

Han Shushu felt as if his body had been run over by a car, and his whole body was in severe pain.She moved her stiff body, and only then did Chu Mubai hug her tightly, and domineeringly wrapped her in his arms: "You are not allowed to go anywhere without my order!"

"Follow the emperor's will." Han Shushu replied hoarsely.

She thought he was asleep, but it was just the opposite.As long as he is so tight-lipped, even if she is given a pair of wings, she can't fly out of his palm, right?
"I remember, your qinggong is good." Chu Mubai's voice sounded cold, without any emotion.

He calls himself "I".

Even though he knew she was Han Shushu, he still called himself "Zhen", which made her a little flustered.

"No, my lightness kung fu is not good, it's the lightness kung fu of a three-legged cat, which can't stand on the stage." Han Shushu replied.

Maybe it was because her tone was too urgent, Chu Mubai opened his eyes suddenly, his emotionless eyes looked at her, as if they penetrated her heart.

"Since it is the lightness skill of a three-legged cat, wouldn't it be a pity to ruin it?"

Just when Han Shushu was nervous, Chu Mubai opened his lips softly.

What do you mean it's not a pity to ruin it?Can Qinggong still be destroyed? Unless it is said that if her legs are broken, she will no longer be able to use Qinggong.

Don't be what she thinks.

If so, Chu Mubai is really a complete lunatic!

"I remember that the female thief in the villa escaped from under my nose that night." Chu Mubai played with Han Shushu's sweaty hair, his tone was soft and light, and his expression became soft.

The coldness in the corners of his eyes dissipated at this moment, and his handsome face was also tinged with warmth.

Han Shushu panicked for no reason, and a bone-biting coldness flooded from her limbs.

At this moment, she was really afraid of this man.

She didn't know what he would do, he was like a time bomb now, maybe he didn't even know what he would do.

"That night I just wanted to steal the snow fox to play. My dear..."

Han Shushu turned over and pressed Chu Mubai on her body, and she kissed the corner of his cool lips repeatedly: "I love you so much, you are not allowed to have any ideas about my body. If I am missing an arm or a broken leg Yes, it's not beautiful, and it's even more inconvenient to sleep with you, you know?"

Chu Mubai looked at her absent-mindedly, as if he didn't quite understand what she was talking about.

She deepened her smile, kissed his thin lips fiercely, and traced his sexy lip shape with her tongue...

(End of this chapter)

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