The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1082 Listening to the government behind the curtain: tie her to the belt

Chapter 1082 Listening to the government behind the curtain: tie her to the belt (8)

Chu Mubai doesn't like Nangong, every time Nangong looks at Shu Shu, it makes him uncomfortable.

Shu Shusheng is his man, and death is his corpse. Nangong never wants to take his woman away!

If he had a chance, he would still kill Nangong, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

In this way, Han Shushu was taken out of the Taiji Hall by Chu Mubai.

Nangong stood in the middle of the empty hall, his fists clenched.

After a while, he turned around, but saw Chu Yingchen standing at the exit at some point, seeing the situation, he stood there for a while.

Chu Yingchen's gaze was fixed on Nangong, he stepped closer to Nangong, and said with a smile or not: "King Xiaoyao, people should be content. You have the throne now, and there are many beautiful family members in the mansion, so why always think about it in other people's hands?" Some things, you can’t get them just by coveting! If I were the king, you would cherish what you have, instead of staring at the people in other people’s hands.”

"The regent should take care of his own housework. If the regent can't even discipline the dominatrix at home, what face does he have to take care of other people's affairs?"

Nangong curled the corners of his lips lightly, with obvious sarcasm.

He passed Chu Yingchen's side and walked away quickly.

"The dominatrix in my family is fine, what's your business?!" Chu Yingchen muttered in a low voice.

To be honest, the one in his family really gave him a headache.

It has been three years since I was married to him, and I still don't want to go to his couch.Waiting like this is not an option. If he waits any longer, he is afraid that he will become an old man, and then he will not be able to make her live a happier life, right?
It's just that the woman heard the rumors from nowhere, and she always felt that he was flirtatious, and even looked down on him from the bottom of her heart.

This is what pissed him off.

After Chu Yingchen left the palace, he went straight to his own mansion.

When the beauties in other houses and gardens heard that he had returned to the mansion, they all ran to the gate to flatter him.

He scanned it roughly, but he couldn't see Qin Changting.

"My lord..." A beauty leaned forward and was about to fall into Chu Yingchen's arms, but Chu Yingchen avoided the wolf pounce lightly.

Other beauties followed suit, and he simply lowered his face: "This king is in a bad mood, don't bother me!"

He doesn't attack him for what he wants, and attacks him for everything he doesn't want. These women are really cheap!
Seeing that Chu Yingchen was really angry, the other beauties didn't dare to laugh any more, they could only watch as Chu Yingchen flung his sleeves away.

A quarter of an hour later, Chu Yingchen found Qin Changting in the study.

Seeing that she was drawing a picture, he leaned forward to take a look, and said with a sneer, "What the hell is this painting?"

When Qin Changting saw that it was Chu Yingchen, he pushed him away forcefully: "It smells bad all over, stay away from this princess."

"You are my concubine, you are no longer a broken princess!" Chu Yingchen stared at Qin Changting viciously.

It's been three years, and she still doesn't have a long memory.If it weren't for her character being too strong, he would have disregarded her wishes early in the morning, brought her to the couch and trained her to let her know what a husband is the key to!

"This princess will be a princess forever!" Qin Changting didn't bother to pay any attention to Chu Yingchen, and planned to leave the study.

Anyway, as long as there is this romantic prince, she will try to avoid it as much as possible. She has no hope in this life.

"This king is here to tell you something, Shu Shu is back."

Chu Yingchen dropped a sentence abruptly.

Qin Changting looked at Chu Yingchen, and asked in puzzlement, "Is she still alive?"

Five years ago, Han Shushu went to war with Chu Mubai, and once he left, he never came back.

No one mentioned Han Shushu anymore, and Han Shushu became a taboo in the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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