The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1083 Original Sin: 1 Only For Her

Chapter 1083 Original Sin: Everything Is Just For Her (1)

"She's in the palace, if you have any doubts, you can find her yourself!" Leaving those words behind, Chu Yingchen wanted to leave the study.

Qin Changting looked at Chu Yingchen's back, followed by two steps: "Why did you tell me this?"

Didn't Chu Yingchen dislike her, why did he tell her about Shu Shu?

"You and her are friends, and this king is the regent, so I might be able to use your so-called friendship in the future—" Before Chu Yingchen finished speaking, Qin Changting slammed a book on him.

"Go away, don't let me see your face!"

Qin Changting gritted his teeth and growled at Chu Yingchen.

How could there be such a disgusting man in the world?It's nothing more than a flirtatious playboy, and he is ashamed to use women to win his official career.Three years ago, he married her not because she and Shu Shu were friends.Not long after this unmarried marriage, Chu Mubai let Chu Yingchen take the position of regent.

Chu Yingchen, this shameless bastard, is nothing like a beast!
Without thinking about it, Qin Changting left the Prince Regent's Mansion and headed for the palace.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

On the long desk, memorials are piled up on the left, and various medical books are on the right.

Chu Mubai and Han Shushu each occupied a corner, one was reviewing the memorials, and the other was reading medical books.

Chu Mubai stuffed Han Shushu's mouth with snacks every few moments.After the tonic soup was cooked, I came to feed her with my own hands.

Han Shushu couldn't avoid it, he couldn't avoid it, he was very entangled.

She is so full that Chu Mubai is raising her like a pig now.

At this moment, Qin Changting entered the palace, wanting to see her.

She wanted to accompany Qin Changting to the Imperial Garden for a walk, but Chu Mubai kept an eye on her. Seeing that she was going out, he also put down his political affairs and wanted to accompany her.

In order not to hold back Chu Mubai, Han Shushu had to meet Qin Changting in the study.

When Qin Changting saw the woman with a warm smile, her eyes were red, and she wanted to give Han Shushu a warm hug.

It turned out that Han Shushu was really still alive, and she thought she would never see Han Shushu again in this life.

Unexpectedly, before she got close to Han Shushu, she couldn't move her body.

I saw Chu Mubai looking at her coldly: "Is my woman something you can touch casually?!"

He couldn't even hug him once today, so why did Qin Changting, a woman, take the lead?He is a man of restraint.

"Thirteen, let's unlock her acupoints. She's just a woman, what else can I do with Changting?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai dumbfounded.

Chu Mubai snorted coldly: "No man or woman can touch you, you only belong to me!!"

His arrogance and domineering made Qin Changting's eyes red.

She looked at Chu Mubai infatuatedly, and couldn't help sighing: "You are blessed to have Shushu, the emperor loves you so much."

Unlike her, marrying a philandering prince will almost have no room for women in his mansion.

Both are women, why is Han Shushu's life so much better than hers?
Han Shushu soaked softly and hard for a long time before Chu Mubai reluctantly unlocked Qin Changting's acupuncture points.

Qin Changting didn't dare to get too close to Han Shushu after that, because the two women hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they had endless topics to talk about.

Chu Mubai endured it for a quarter of an hour, and his face became darker and darker.

"Wanxin, throw Qin Changting, a talkative woman, out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation!!"

He slapped the book case with his palm, and the book case shattered, and the medical books and memorials fell all over the floor.

Unprepared, Han Shushu and Qin Changting looked at each other, terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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