The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1108 Han Shushu, Do You Dare To Steal My Seed?

Chapter 1108 Han Shushu, Do You Dare To Steal My Seed? (5)

Yuan Bao wanted to have more backbone, but when he saw Chu Mubai smiling at him, he felt that this was a wolf in sheep's clothing.He is still too young to be this person's opponent for the time being.

"I know." The little guy replied reluctantly, and his resentful eyes once again fixed on Han Shushu.

Han Shushu also wants to resist the evil forces, but her domineering son always listens to Chu Mubai, so she should not resist as a weak woman, right?

In the past, it was her welfare to kiss Xiao Yuanbao every day, but now that Chu Mubai deprived her of it, she was really not reconciled.

The big deal is to kiss secretly in the future, just don't be seen by Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai stepped forward and held the little guy in his arms.He weighed the little guy: "You eat less in the future, let your mother eat more."

Han Shushu's body must have been broken because of this thing, that woman was as thin as a monkey anyway.

"Yes." Yuan Bao replied unwillingly.

"What should you call me?" Chu Mubai asked while pinching the little guy's face.

The little guy looked at the strange yet familiar face in front of him.

He recognized the face.

In the past, the woman Han Shushu always secretly drew this face when he was not paying attention, and sometimes took it out to observe it a few times while sleeping.At that time, he knew that this person was his enemy!

"Little Yuanbao, he is your own father, you should call him Father Emperor." Xiaocao was busy giving instructions to the little guy.

Yuan Bao didn't make a sound, he pretended not to look away, thinking that he could escape the catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, Chu Mubai pinched his chin: "Call father to listen."

"Hey, do you ever force a child like this? He's not yet five years old..."

Han Shushu was expressing his opinion, when Chu Mubai glanced over, she froze immediately.

It's sad, how come she's living more and more, and she's afraid of Chu Mubai, that bastard.

"Call!" Chu Mubai looked into the little guy's eyes.

Yuan Bao was very unhappy, he glanced at the people around him, and then called out in a low voice, "Father."

"Good boy." Chu Mubai said, kissing the little guy's mouth.

Yuan Bao's white jade-like face quickly turned red, this person actually kissed him?
So the two father and son stared at me again, and I stared at you, with big eyes and small eyes.

Xiaocao watched and wiped away tears.

Han Shushu didn't think there was anything touching about the way the father and son got along, which made Xiaocao lose his composure.

Maybe Chu Mubai still likes the little guy Yuan Bao very much.

This evening, it was rare for the palace to hold a family banquet.

This was the first time in five years that the palace held a family banquet, and it was still on the premise of a temporary decision.

When members of the royal family rushed to the family banquet and saw Han Shushu's mother and son sitting next to Chu Mubai, they understood why Chu Mubai was so happy.

In the past five years, many ministers have reported that Chu Mubai has no royal descendants. Every time after the report, Chu Mubai will summon more concubines.

It's just that the so-called bedtime call was nothing more than fooling the ministers and officials. Everyone knew this well, but it was not good to accuse the emperor in front of the emperor.

This is great, a little prince suddenly appeared, Han Shushu mother and son can't run rampant in the harem, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven?
Chu Shiyu looked at Han Shushu's mother and son from a distance away, and felt that life was like a dream.

It turned out that Han Shushu had already given birth to a prince for Chu Mubai.This prince was born so handsome, seeing the elegance and nobility in the little guy's gestures, he completely inherited Chu Mubai.

(End of this chapter)

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