The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1109 Han Shushu, Do You Dare To Steal My Seed?

Chapter 1109 Han Shushu, Do You Dare To Steal My Seed? (6)

Everyone present had to admit that this was the wonder of blood relationship.

Chu Shiyu was in a complicated mood, and Nangong was even more depressed.

Suddenly holding a family dinner, he subconsciously felt that nothing good would happen.

When he saw the handsome and round little Yuan Bao sitting next to Han Shushu, all the emotions of anger and jealousy came to his heart.

During the five years when he missed her, she had already given birth to such a big son for Chu Mubai.The little beam is his, how can she bear children for other men?
Frenzied jealousy burned his heart, his expression was numb, but the hand holding the wine glass kept exerting force...

At this moment, Chu Mubai looked at him with a smile that was not a smile, as if he was demonstrating against him.

After he took a closer look, Chu Mubai had already looked at Han Shushu beside him, making no secret of his love for her.

Isn't it?This woman not only loved him wholeheartedly, but also gave birth to such a fat boy for him.

This is just the last thing Chu Mubai is proud of.

He will soon take away Chu Mubai's throne, Xiao Shu, and even the little prince who was born exactly like Chu Mubai.

One day, he will take away everything Chu Mubai has...

During the banquet, all the royal family and nobles rushed to congratulate Chu Mubai on their father and son reunion.

Han Shushu laughed along with him, his face stiffened from laughing.Every time she wanted to take another look at her son, Chu Mubai would drag her across her face.It's okay to say that she can't kiss Xiao Yuanbao during the day, but now she is not even allowed to look at Xiao Yuanbao?

How can there be a reason why a mother can't kiss a son?

Feeling depressed, she grabbed the wine glass in front of Chu Mubai and drank it down.

The spicy wine choked her, she secretly thought that something was wrong, and was about to prick herself with a needle to relieve the hangover, but her mouth went numb, and her silver needle was taken away by life. Chu Mubai who was against her?

Because it was too late to hangover, Han Shushu soon became overwhelmed and his eyes were dim.

She shook her drowsy head, and when she got up, she saw a familiar little person in front of her. She smiled and hugged him: "Son, you look so good..."

As she spoke, she kissed the little guy hard on the face.

Xiaocao couldn't dodge in time, and was kissed by Han Shushu.

She subconsciously looked at Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai's murderous eyes turned to her, and she almost pushed Han Shushu away in fright.

At this time, Han Shushu still wanted to kiss him, so she quickly touched Han Shushu's sleeping point, and hurriedly said: "She is drunk, I will send her back to the South Courtyard first."

Chu Mubai nodded slightly, seeing that Han Shushu had left, he was no longer in the mood to eat.

Zhao Jinzhong also saw that Chu Mubai's mood was fading, and said sharply: "The family banquet is over here, the emperor will drive!"

Everyone got up one after another and sent Chu Mubai and his son off respectfully.

As soon as Chu Mubai left, everyone started talking.

Xiao Yuanbao's face was carved out of the same mold as Chu Mubai's, and he didn't need to think about it to know that it was Chu Mubai's own flesh and blood.

Then Han Shushu was lucky. After five years of exile, he returned to the palace and brought a prince with him.

Coupled with Chu Mubai's love for Han Shushu, I'm afraid that the Queen's position will fall into Han Shushu's hands sooner or later.

Just because Han Shushu still has a prince in his hand.Chu Mubai has no other sons, and Xiao Yuanbao will definitely be crowned prince.

Thinking about it, I feel that the world of Nanchu is going to fall into the hands of a scheming woman like Han Shushu...

Everyone sighed and left one after another, while Nangong was stunned in place, as if petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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