Chapter 1112 Tired into a Dog (2)

Just when Han Shushu was in a daze, Xiaocao suddenly made a fuss and said: "Look, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree has sprouted."

Han Shushu followed the place pointed by Xiaocao, and saw a new bud growing in an inconspicuous place next to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree stump, in a very small and faint posture.

Xiaocao was so excited that she screamed and danced while hugging Han Shushu.

Han Shushu and Xiao Yuanbao looked at each other, the eyes of mother and child conveyed the same message, this woman is crazy.

Five years ago, since the day Han Shushu was pregnant with Xiao Yuanbao, she told herself that from now on, she would live a happy and comfortable life every time, not to mention being in a corner, and she would live with a smile.

Everyone says that people who love to laugh are luckier.

Although she did experience some misfortunes before, didn't she stand up again and again?
Not long after Mr. Ge left, Han Shushu was not lost for too long.

She took Xiao Yuanbao to the medicine garden, watered and weeded, and diverted her attention.

The little guy has mixed with her in the medicine garden since he was a child, and he has been fascinated by her. With Chu Mubai's good genes, he can understand everything, and now he is a little doctor.

"Mother likes me more, or Chu Mubai more?"

When the little guy asked this question solemnly, Han Shushu felt that this question seemed familiar.

"Of course I like our little ingots more." Han Shushu pinched the little guy's face and replied.

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt as if the air had condensed.

The wry smile on Xiao Yuanbao's face made Han Shushu know who it was without turning around.

Sure enough, like father, like son, is equally cunning.

She glanced back quietly, and saw Chu Mubai standing quietly behind her, with his back to the light.

He was tall and straight, tall and straight, without showing his face, he was already overwhelmed by his powerful aura.

It's strange, people who usually show up at night, how come they show up in the morning?

He chose to show up when Xiao Yuanbao asked that strange question, and the timing was just right.

Until someone's long legs came behind her and kicked her buttocks: "See that I can't do court manners?"

The man's arrogant voice sounded from above her head.

Speaking of which, she gets angry.

The thirteen who doted on her before was gone, and the Chu Mubai in front of him especially loved the emperor's driver.But his aura is there again, causing her to be always bullied by this person.

"Little Yuanbao, what do you want to eat for lunch today, mother will make it for you." Han Shushu chose to ignore Chu Mubai this time.

My old lady is upset today, and she is not happy to ask her to perform court etiquette.

"Mom, I want to eat wife cake. When I grow up, I will marry a wife who is as good-looking as my mother..."

The little guy ordered meals very specifically, and did not forget to cast Chu Mubai a provocative look.

The general meaning of this glance is that if I want to grab a woman, even the emperor has to stand aside.

"Xiaocao, take this little thing to play in the Hall of Mental Cultivation." Chu Mubai didn't care as much as a child.

After all, this hairless thing is a seed sown by myself, and it cannot be moved no matter how obtrusive it is.At a young age, I knew that robbing women was still robbing my own father's woman. There is no doubt that this thing was taught badly by Han Shushu!

In fact, Xiao Yuanbao also has a little kung fu, but it's a pity that Xiaocao's kung fu is too strong, and he is too small. In the end, he was still defeated by Xiaocao and was twisted away by Xiaocao.

(End of this chapter)

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