Chapter 1113 Tired into a Dog (3)

The little guy walked a long way, and heard his immature voice floating from afar: "When I grow up, I will protect mother..."

Han Shushu heard it clearly, and Chu Mubai was not deaf.

Seeing Chu Mubai's ugly face, Han Shushu smirked: "Our son is very interesting, isn't he? He's so sensible at such a young age, but he's grown a bit older. He doesn't have the innocence of a child, but it doesn't hurt his cuteness..."

Under Chu Mubai's stern stare, she lowered her eyelids and unconsciously stood up straight, only missing a military salute to him.

She felt that she had really grown up in the past five years, but Chu Mubai had grown faster than her.

Even if he was sick, he was so sick, um, domineering.

Just when Han Shushu was acting stupid, Chu Mubai came to her, held her palm, and gently patted the dust off her hand.

Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai's beautiful long fingers in a daze, and suddenly remembered the trembling and ecstasy of those hands moving around her body...

Aware of what she was thinking, she shook her head vigorously, thinking that it must be because the sun was too big and too glaring that she would think about these messy things in broad daylight.

"I'm asking you something!!"

Seeing that the woman in front of him was distracted, Chu Mubai raised his voice displeased.

"What did you say just now?" Han Shushu looked up at Chu Mubai, his big eyes were charming, as if he was telling him something.

Chu Mubai's eyes darkened, and he found that a certain part of himself stood up because of this woman's innocent look.

Isn't he calm and self-possessed?Why can't I still stand the temptation of one of her eyes?
He didn't look at her eyes, and stopped looking at her pink and flushed cheeks, pretending to ask casually: "I heard that you kissed that little thing today, didn't you?"

Han Shushu quickly filtered Chu Mubai's question. The little thing refers to the little Yuanbao. She did kiss the little guy today. Chu Mubai said he heard it?

The direct translation means that he secretly sent someone to watch her every move?
This realization made her gasp.

Didn't the one surnamed Chu not care about her? Didn't all his thoughts also focus on government affairs? How could he come to the South Courtyard to ask her such a boring question just because she kissed the little guy?

"If I say kiss, what do you want?"

Han Shushu squinted at Chu Mubai, thinking about it.

Let's try to see if Chu Mubai really cares about her.

"How many times have you kissed?" Chu Mubai gave Han Shushu a cold look.

This glance sent chills down Han Shushu's spine.

Damn, she's too easily intimidated, she can't be so unambitious.

Thinking of this, she straightened her spine: "Fortunately, it's only a dozen or twenty strokes."

"Well, twenty times, that's not too much. I issued an imperial decree yesterday, and you resisted the decree. Logically speaking, I should chop off your head..."

Under Han Shushu's stare, Chu Mubai patted her on the head: "However, you are Yuanbao's mother, and I only have one prince so far. No matter how cold-blooded I am, I can't kill the child's mother..."

"so what?"

Seeing that Chu Mubai did not get to the point, Han Shushu became anxious.

"Go, I will talk with you as we walk." Chu Mubai said, holding Han Shushu's limp little hand.

Although this hand was a bit dirty, it was soft and creamy, which was the soft and greasy touch he liked.Why didn't he realize before that this child has a pair of blessed hands, she won't be a short-lived ghost.

If he missed these five years, he had to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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