Chapter 1114 Tired into a Dog (4)

Han Shushu was finally brought into Shuzhai by Chu Mubai, and then stripped of his clothes by Chu Mubai.

When she was brought to the couch, she realized that Chu Mubai wanted to have sex with her twenty times, which equaled the twenty kisses she gave Yuan Bao.

When she crawled out from under Chu Mubai panting, she was already tired like a dog.

After Chu Mubai stayed at the bed, he didn't know what he was busy with on the desk.

Then he threw her a piece of paper with a huge debt she owed.

The rice paper stated clearly and plainly that in view of her frailty, this time she only rolled in bed with her twice, that is to say, she still owed him eighteen times.But this time, what she owed was a usury loan. If the interest rate was repaid, she would pay it so many times in her life.

It was clearly written on it that she would obediently give him whenever and wherever he wanted it.

In the end, Zhao Jinzhong moved out the jade seal and stamped it.

Han Shushu suddenly became confused. Chu Mubai was indeed seriously ill. He was simply the best among perverts, the best among psychopaths, the beast among beasts, and the fighter among hooligans.

"Chu Mubai, burn that IOU for me!" Han Shushu chased Shu Zhai out, and said angrily at Chu Mubai's elegant back.

How can this be considered debt repayment? !
Chu Mubai paused and looked back at Han Shushu. Han Shushu suddenly felt like he had done something wrong again with a half-smile.

What to do, can she still run back to Shuzhai and pretend to be a lady?
"Everyone exits the South Courtyard, and no one enters from time to time without my permission."

Chu Mubai raised an unknown smile, and looked at Han Shushu's eyes, as if he had seen a prey.

When Han Shushu heard this, he immediately ran to Shuzhai.

It's a pity that she couldn't be faster than Chu Mubai no matter how fast she was.

She threw herself directly into Chu Mubai's arms, and Chu Mubai hugged her arms full: "Look at you, you are very energetic, do you still want it?"

Han Shushu shook her head in horror, it must not be what she thought, she must have thought too much.

"It seems that I haven't been with you during the day..."

"Chu, I warn you, don't play too much..."

Before Han Shushu finished speaking, Chu Mubai gagged his mouth again.

The man took off her dress again and again, and in broad daylight, outside, with the sky as a quilt and the ground as a mat, she completed the most miserable life in the wild in her life.

After one round of rolling, Han Shushu's waist almost broke.

She trembled slightly and couldn't stand upright, because the sex-demon surnamed Chu was very excited outside and was very rough-violent.

"Useless things!"

Chu Mubai scolded lightly, and whispered on her lips, like a whisper between lovers.

He picked her up horizontally, went back to the room, and put her on the couch: "I'll have someone bring some nourishing soup over later, and then take a bath. Remember to come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight."

"I'm not going to that ghost place..."

Han Shushu's breath was as pure as a silk, and he felt like he was about to die.

She felt that the real patient was actually her. The surnamed Chu was very healthy, with a ruddy complexion and a strong body. After so many treatments, she was still very strong, and she didn't know if she had taken the wrong medicine.

"This is an imperial decree, so you can't help but say no."

Chu Mubai bit her trembling lips lightly, stared at her lovely red lips for a moment, then hardened his heart and left Shuzhai.

Han Shushu turned his eyes to look at Chu Mubai's slightly stiff back, and couldn't help but sigh, finally got rid of this ignorant beast in clothes.

What can we do at night?

(End of this chapter)

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