Chapter 1115 Tired into a Dog (5)

Being tortured by him day and night like this is not an option, she can't stand it.Although she also enjoyed the process, it was too frequent and it was not good for Chu's health.If he died prematurely, who could she count on for her future sex life?
This thought was fleeting, and Han Shushu suddenly felt that he was hopeless.

It's this time, and she is still thinking about that person. She should think about whether she can live past 30 if this continues.

With many tired things on his mind, Han Shushu fell asleep drowsily.

Not long after she fell asleep, Nangong dressed in brocade clothes quietly sneaked into her bedroom.

He gently opened her skirt, and when he saw the dense marks on her body and her slightly swollen red lips, wild jealousy gnawed at his heart...

It wasn't until there were noises outside that he quietly fled without a trace.

Han Shushu slept until the afternoon, and after she took a bath, she saw all kinds of supplements and dishes rewarded by Chu Mubai.

Originally, this was a good thing, but when she ate the blindly tonic soup, she soon realized something was wrong.

In addition to tonics, there are also two flavors of safflower and jiulixiang that have contraceptive effects in the tonic soup.

She slowed down the action of drinking soup, thinking to herself.

This tonic soup was given by Chu Mubai. Could it be that he didn't want to conceive a dragon seed?
Thinking about it again, he is the only woman who can bear children for Chu Mubai, so he wouldn't do such a strange thing.

If it wasn't for Chu Mubai, it was very likely that someone else had tampered with the soup.

It seems that only concubines in the harem would do this kind of thing.Now that she is the only one to be favored and has the little prince Xiao Yuanbao, she is now the only one in the harem, even though she has no status now.

Chu Mubai is busy with political affairs, she doesn't want to bother him with such matters.Anyway, since she has time, why not investigate this matter by herself.

Today, because of this, she has an extra heart.

The palace is no different than other places, there are murderous intentions everywhere, she herself is fine, the main reason is that Yuanbao is too small.Although the little guy was smart, he was still too young.If she couldn't protect Yuanbao nearby, then Chu Mubai had to send more people to protect the little guy.

The best way is for Xiaocao to protect Xiao Yuanbao personally at all times, which makes her feel at ease.

Thinking of this, Han Shushu simply called Xiaocao to him.

"Xiaocao, you have to stay with Yuanbao every step of the way from now on. This is an order, do you understand?"

Xiaocao nodded in a daze, without asking further questions.

She still understands this.Han Shushu's only weakness is Yuanbao, which is also a harem full of women. Now that Han Shushu's mother and son are in the limelight, they must be carefully protected.

"Today, someone in the soup took contraceptive pills. The amount is very small. Even if you drink it, it will not cause physical harm. Even the contraceptive effect is mediocre. Tell me, who would want to attack me, and it will not be successful. A poisonous hand? Besides, everyone knows that I am proficient in medical science, so if you give me a contraceptive pill like this, wouldn't it be completely useless?"

Han Shushu expressed his doubts.

"This matter is really strange. Knowing that you have a medical background, you still use the most clumsy way to deal with you. No matter how you look at it, it feels weird. Why don't we tell Shisan about this, and take this opportunity to let him treat him well. harem."

When Xiaocao finished speaking, her eyes lit up.

Han Shushu hit Xiaocao on the head with a burst of chestnuts, and had his own thoughts: "Don't! I think it's good to have a harem, everyone is the target. If I'm the only one left, Thirteen will become the target of everyone's criticism."

(End of this chapter)

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