Chapter 1116 Tired into a Dog (6)

"You have to know that among the three thousand people in the harem, their relatives are among the best figures in the court. Now that Thirteen is releasing the harem, doesn't that mean that everyone has betrayed their relatives and offended all the court officials?"

Seeing that Xiaocao was silent, Han Shushu added.

She doesn't care about her status, as long as she can live with Chu Mubai, that's enough.

What's more, she was his wife five years ago. They are married couples, but outsiders don't know it.

"Shu Shu, I found that you have changed."

Xiaocao looked at Han Shushu thoughtfully.

Han Shushu laughed: "Do I have any?"

She is still the same, but she has given birth to a child and learned some lightness exercises.

"Yes, you have become mature, stable and thoughtful now. To be precise, you have grown up." Xiaocao looked at Han Shushu absent-mindedly.

I vaguely remember that Han Shushu went on a rampage back then, and he was bloody after a stumble, and finally ran away from the palace.

Hearing Xiaocao's words, Han Shushu's mood was very complicated.

She is a child's mother now, Xiaocao is still a baby, and this guy actually told her seriously that she has grown up?

She's always been an adult, okay?
"Xiaocao, you have grown up too." Han Shushu patted Xiaocao's shoulder earnestly and walked away.

She played with Xiao Yuanbao for a while, looking at the little guy's pretty face in a daze.

In fact, she was wondering whether to kiss the little guy's cute little face.For the son I gave birth to, if I want to kiss him, I have to look at other people's faces. Why is she so sad?
"Son, can you kiss me?"

Han Shushu's eyes lit up, and he thought of a good idea.

It was her son who took the initiative, not her, that deadbeat Chu Mubai couldn't find her fault, right?

The little guy immediately came up to her, kissed her hard on the face, and then returned to his arrogant look.

"Ten more kisses!" Han Shushu said with a smile, his lips from ear to ear.

"Mother is very naive." The little guy gave her a contemptuous look.

It probably means that such a big man, how could he have such a useless mother.

Han Shushu consciously translated the meaning expressed in the little guy's eyes. In order not to let his son dislike him too much, he stopped asking for kisses.

"Son, can you understand such a complicated book?" Han Shushu moved closer.

He found that in Xiao Yuanbao's eyes, her own mother was not as attractive as a book of war.

"Yes." The little guy continued to read the military book with relish.

"Are the books prettier than your mother?" Han Shushu asked anxiously.

She actually wants to compete with a military book.

"Mother looks good." The little guy replied insincerely.

This made Han Shushu feel a little better.The son is still kinder than Chu Mubai. If the same question comes to Chu Mubai, the answer will definitely be the opposite.

By the way, I have to think of a way not to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

You can't pretend to be sick. If you pretend to be sick, Chu Mubai will worry about her.The time for menstruation has not yet arrived, and Zhao Jinzhong has recorded that thing, and it doesn't work.

Forget it, let Xiaocao pretend to be sick.

Xiaocao is Chu Mubai's younger sister, and also her younger sister. It is only natural for her to stay in the south courtyard to take care of her younger sister.

With such a good excuse, Xiaocao was forced to lie down on the couch by Han Shushu.

When Wanxin rushed to the South Courtyard, she heard Xiaocao screaming in pain loudly on the couch, the voice sounded horrific.

"Xiaocao will be taken care of by the maidservant, girl, hurry up to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the emperor can't wait."

(End of this chapter)

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