Chapter 1142 I'm used to it (3)

That night, Chu Mubai did not call Han Shushu to bed.

She simply went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation by herself, and through the bead curtain, she saw Chu Mubai and Qin Ruyu sitting face to face, and they were playing chess.

Qin Ruyu is a talented woman, so trivial things like playing chess are no problem, unlike her, she can't do anything.

And she could see that Chu Mubai did not reject Qin Ruyu, perhaps because Qin Ruyu was a psychologist and knew how to deal with all kinds of people.

After all, this is also Qin Ruyu's advantage.

What if Qin Ruyu was just a spy sent by Qin Zhuiyue to deal with Chu Mubai...

This thought was fleeting, so Han Shushu couldn't care less, she lifted the bead curtain and entered.

"Come here!" Seeing Han Shushu entering, Chu Mubai waved to her.

Han Shushu followed his advice and went to him. He wanted to sit down on a stool, but Chu Mubai asked her to sit on his lap.

As soon as she sat down, she felt his body respond.

This person is really...

Han Shushu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't dare to move.

Qin Ruyu looked at her and winked at her ambiguously: "You two can tell that you have a good relationship. The happiest thing in the world is to fall in love with someone who also loves you. Blessed girl, you can get The emperor's favorite."

Han Shushu smiled as an answer.

She thought, Chu Mubai probably didn't know that Qin Ruyu was a cold shadow.Otherwise, he wouldn't sit and play chess with Leng Ying calmly.

It's better to keep this a secret.

She was afraid that one day Qin Ruyu would come in handy, maybe one day Qin Ruyu would be able to cure Chu Mubai completely.In view of this selfishness, Han Shushu did not pierce the thin paper.

After a game of chess, Qin Ruyu lost by a slight disadvantage.

"It's getting late, the emperor should rest earlier, the concubine has gone back." Qin Ruyu got up, neither humble nor overbearing.

Chu Mubai nodded, indicating that she could go.

Qin Ruyu had only taken a few steps when she saw Chu Mubai kissing Han Shushu.

That scene made her freeze her eyes, and reminded her of the sweet time she had with Nangong.

Who says time is worthless?
Love is the most untested thing.In the end, she was defeated by Xiao Shu, a woman she had never considered an opponent before.

Han Shushu was a little absent-minded under Chu Mubai's kiss, she pushed Chu Mubai panting, and asked hoarsely, "What do you think of Qin Ruyu?"

"Better than ordinary idiots, with a bit of talent. Being able to go to the end under my offensive proves that she has some ability. Besides, she looks like you." Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu with deep eyes.

This woman can't be invited normally, but she came here consciously tonight. Did she finally find out that she has an opponent?
"She looks like me, so why don't you invite her to sleep with you?" Han Shushu asked, half genuinely.

"I'm not interested in fakes." Chu Mubai said, nibbling Han Shushu's fair neck.

"I think she is prettier than me, has a better temperament than me, has a nobler status than me, and must have a better figure than me..."

"So?" Chu Mubai looked at the arrogant Han Shushu with a smile on his face.

"Even if I can't compare to her in anything, you can't fall in love with her, you know?" Han Shushu straightened Chu Mubai's face and straightened his expression.

Although she is a little inferior, she will not give up her man.

"I called her here tonight just to put off my old ministers. If you don't like her, I won't see her again in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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