Chapter 1143 I'm used to it (4)

Chu Mubai hugged the woman in his arms tightly, and whispered softly in her ear: "You want to love me for the rest of your life and never leave, you know?"

"Follow the emperor's will." Han Shushu laughed and fell into this man's arms.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he is sick or not, the most important thing is that they can be together.Even if one day he goes crazy and is abandoned by the whole world, she will be with him.

So whether he can be cured or not doesn't seem to be that important.

As long as his condition doesn't get worse and the status quo can be maintained, she will be satisfied.

After all, she still dared not take the risk.What she has felt the most over the years is that she cannot trust people easily.Especially in the red walls of the deep palace, human nature is distorted, and there are all kinds of people.

What she didn't expect was that the next day, rumors would spread into the palace from outside the palace.

Rumor has it that the current emperor is a madman.Whenever he got sick, he would kill people like numbness and bleed like a river.

On the way to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Han Shushu saw a lot of palace people whispering, and seeing their sneaky appearance, he knew that they were telling right and wrong behind their backs.

"What are you talking about?" Han Shushu quickly turned back to the ladies of the palace, pursing his red lips lightly.

In the eyes of most palace people, Han Shushu is actually not popular.

It was only because of Chu Mubai's forgiving power that the court ladies did not dare to speak nonsense.

Now when they hear that the current emperor is mentally abnormal, some people grow courage.

One of the sharp-faced courtiers looked at Han Shushu arrogantly, and replied with disdain: "What do we say, it has nothing to do with you?"

"My man is the emperor, and my son is the little prince. What happens in the palace has nothing to do with me?" Han Shushu sneered, and approached the sharp-faced maid: "Today, I will tell you what a real madman looks like." !"

She patted the maid's face lightly.

The palace lady's face was red and swollen immediately, festering and pus flowing out quickly, she looked really scary.

"Look, good people don't do it, they want to be animals!" Han Shushu said, took a step back, and looked coldly at the many flustered maids: "Today, if you spread my words, who will let me go?" When I heard someone gossiping in the palace, I, Han Shushu, destroyed that person and let everyone see what kind of person is a lunatic!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her cloud sleeves lightly, and a gust of fragrant wind hit all the court ladies.

Everyone just felt that their whole body was very itchy. They scratched and scratched, but they couldn't scratch.

As for the court lady whose face was patted by Han Shushu, her face quickly lost her shape and rolled on the ground in pain, but no one dared to get close...

The news about Han Shushu's punishment of the palace servants spread quickly inside and outside the palace.

Naturally, it was inevitable that it would reach Chu Mubai's ears.

"Young lady, it's true that you are still in the limelight at this critical moment, and you are not afraid of attracting more people's criticism." Chu Yun muttered dissatisfiedly.

"I'm used to it, do you have an opinion?" Chu Mubai glanced at Chu Yun lightly.

Chu Yun immediately shut up.

How dare he, Han Shushu has the protection of the current emperor, so he dares to act so boldly.

"She will come later, bring in the stewed ginseng soup." Chu Mubai ordered quietly, but he never left the memorial for a moment.

Chu Yun cast a resentful look at Chu Mubai.

This is where he gets angry again.

All the good things went into the mouth of that woman Han Shushu, and it was clear that Chu Mubai was the patient.

After Han Shushu ran into the study, he checked Chu Mubai's expression carefully.

The strange thing is that this person doesn't seem to be angry. Doesn't he know that the whole world is saying that he is mentally abnormal?
(End of this chapter)

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