Chapter 1144 I'm used to it (5)

"Come here." Chu Mubai waved to Han Shushu, with a rare smile on his stern face.

Han Shushu seemed to have discovered a new continent. Damn it, it's been half a month. This is the first time she saw Chu Mubai smile.

She walked up to Chu Mubai in a daze, and Chu Mubai pulled her to sit beside him, picked up the prepared ginseng soup, took a spoonful, blew on it, and after dissipating heat, she handed it to Han Shushu's lips.

Han Shushu was overwhelmed by the flattery, and she asked in surprise, "You didn't poison this soup, did you?"

Otherwise, why treat her so well?

In the past half a month, he has only been warm to her when he is on the bed, and he is usually unwilling to say a word to her, but today the sun came out from the west.

"If it's poisonous, would you dare to drink it?" Chu Mubai asked in a low voice, his eyes as deep as a cold pool, fixed on Han Shushu's beautiful face.

Maybe the whole world will be against him, it doesn't matter, because she will stand up to protect him, this is his bundle.

Even if one day he really went crazy, he was sure that she would not abandon him.

If you have such a person in your life, what more can you ask for?

Han Shushu drank the ginseng soup in one gulp, and replied with a smile, "It's delicious. Thirteen, what medicine did you take wrong? Why are you feeding me soup all of a sudden?"

She was sure that this man hadn't changed back to before, he was still that wise, wise and good emperor.

She thought he would be furious because of the rumor, but she knew it was just the opposite.

"Just now you harmed someone for me, this is your reward." Seeing the soup stains on the corners of her lips, Chu Mubai wiped them lightly with his sleeve.

The warmth in his eyes made Han Shushu palpitate.

Well, he'd better treat her coldly, or she will be fascinated by him.

She couldn't stand his beauty tricks the most.

"You have a sip, too. I'll reward you for your serious handling of political affairs." Han Shushu said, grabbed the soup bowl, spooned a mouthful of soup, and handed it to Chu Mubai's thin lips.

The man's thin lips were bright red like a flower, exuding a seductive luster, really, beautiful and delicious.

Chu Mubai drank the soup she fed, and she couldn't help herself for a moment, she moved her lips together, kissed him forcefully, and snickered, "It's delicious."

Chu Yun was stunned watching from the side, and Wan Xin was also standing aside, biting her finger lightly: "I'm so happy."

Xiaocao also heard the rumors in the palace, and rushed to the study with Yuanbao.

Seeing the man and woman who were feeding each other soup, Yuan Bao let out a long sigh.

He knew that if the female university did not stay, after Han Shushu had Chu Mubai, he would not love his son at all.

"Which song is this song from?" Xiaocao was still a little confused about the situation.

She thought that the Hall of Mental Cultivation had already been bleeding like a river, but who would have thought that seeing such a loving scene blinded her eyes!

"I don't understand what's going on. The emperor was not angry at all when he heard the rumors. Later, he heard that the girl punished a group of palace servants who chewed their tongues on the way to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. He was even more delighted. Next, That’s how it came out.”

Chu Yun looked at the tender Chu Mubai absent-mindedly, and was actually very grateful to Han Shushu in his heart.

If it weren't for Han Shushu's company, his master would have lost his temper a long time ago, and he must have been tricked by someone.

Speaking of which, there is only one woman in this world who has the ability to make Chu Mubai so humane and tender.

"Aren't you, a big man actually crying?" Xiaocao looked at Chu Yun in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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