Chapter 1145 I'm used to it (6)

Seeing Chu Yun wiping tears, Xiaocao couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Mubai and Han Shushu, who were talking about you and me, heard the sound and looked over. Han Shushu even ran up to Chu Yun in a gossip, laughing and joking: "You are a man in his dozen years, and you are wiping tears? How emotional is it?"

"Han Shushu, come back!"

Chu Mubai was dissatisfied that Han Shushu's attention was taken away by other people, his eyes darkened slightly.

"Okay." Han Shushu immediately turned back to Chu Mubai cheerfully, this time, he sat directly on Chu Mubai's lap.

Unable to restrain herself, she kissed Chu Mubai's nose.Thinking that wasn't enough, she kissed him again on the shapely eyebrows.

Xiao Yuanbao looked at his parents resentfully, feeling that he was a superfluous one.

After having Chu Mubai, Han Shushu doesn't love him anymore.

In the past, he had to say "I love you" every day, but now this love language is reserved for Chu Mubai, so he doesn't like Chu Mubai.

Xiaocao saw that Han Shushu and Chu Mubai were flirting with each other, and hurriedly covered Yuan Bao's eyes: "It's not suitable for children. Yuan Bao, I'll take you back to the South Yard and teach you how to practice, okay?"

Xiao Yuanbao sighed, he pushed Xiaocao away, walked up to Han Shushu with small steps and said, "Han Shushu, do you still have my son in your eyes?"

With the old and abandoning the young, is this what a mother should do?

Han Shushu was thinking about Chu Mubai's beautiful thin lips, when she heard this, she remembered that her son was still there.

He is still so young, and he always likes to compete for favor. Now, he is indeed in a dilemma.

"Son, you are the one I love the most. Be good, go back to the South Courtyard and let Xiaocao teach you kung fu..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Chu Mubai stretch out his arms and lift the little ingot in his hand.

"I have free time today, and I will personally teach him martial arts."

Ever since, Chu Mubai brought Xiao Yuanbao to the Hall of Martial Arts and taught martial arts in person.

Originally, the two fathers and sons looked at each other disliked, but blood melts in water, and the fact that blood and blood can't be erased.

What's more, they both care about the same woman.

Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai in disbelief. This person has always been very possessive, and sometimes she is not allowed to kiss Xiao Yuanbao.

Ever since Xiao Yuanbao entered the palace, the father and son have been at odds. The sun came out from the west today?

Chu Mubai hugged Xiao Yuanbao in his arms, looked at the small version of himself, and felt that life was miraculous. This was his son, the child born to him and Shu Shu.

The more he looked at the little guy, the more he felt cute. Although he didn't want to admit it, sometimes Han Shushu cared more about this little guy than him.

He didn't like someone taking Han Shushu's attention away at all, but this person was Chu Mubai's child.

And he missed the gestation and growth process of Xiao Yuanbao, which is a regret that he can never make up for in this life...

Chu Mubai personally taught Yuan Bao how to practice martial arts, but within two hours, Yuan Bao had already memorized the moves he taught him by heart. He deserved to be Chu Mubai's child, and he was smart.

Han Shushu sat aside eating snacks, applauding from time to time, she did not miss the pride in Chu Mubai's eyes.

So, this man is actually very hypocritical. He obviously likes Yuan Bao very much, so he pretends!

"Girl, the little prince's name is too vulgar, do you want to change it?"

Chu Yun said a very serious problem.

As the prince and grandson, the name Yuanbao is really not ordinary tacky.

What's more, Yuan Bao may be the prince in the future, how can there be a prince with such a name?
(End of this chapter)

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