Chapter 1154 If This Is Not Love (7)

When Chu Mubai walked away, Han Shushu went to Qin Ruyu, looked down at her from above, and said in a cold voice: "Qin Ruyu, I can tell you with certainty that no woman can take Shisan away. Maybe one day he won't If you love me again, you will never love any woman other than me. You couldn't beat me in your last life, and you still can't beat me in this life..."

"I can cure your thirteen—"

Han Shushu suddenly grabbed Qin Ruyu's neck with force, and opened his lips coldly: "Can you call Thirteen? Don't think I won't kill you. I will do anything for Shisan! If you don't believe me, let's go Just wait and see."

She shook off Qin Ruyu fiercely.

Qin Ruyu fell to the ground, instead of being angry, she smiled: "Just because of this, you have no chance of winning. You and Chu Mubai care too much about each other. If I am the only one who can save Chu Mubai, you still have to come to me for help. However, to cure him, you have to pay a corresponding price. As for the price, you will know soon..."

She struggled to get up, and walked out of the south courtyard staggeringly.

This is the bad relationship between her and Han Shushu.Maybe it was because she committed too many sins in her previous life, and in this life, she is just repaying the debt she owed Han Shushu in her previous life.

Han Shushu beat her to the point of being powerless no matter in her previous life or this life. The man she had guarded with all her heart, and the man she almost obtained with vicious means, was still snatched away by Han Shushu.

The sad thing is that she loves Nangong so much, but Nangong falls in love with a woman who dismisses him. Is this also retribution? !
Standing in the front yard, Han Shushu heard Qin Ruyu's desolate laughter.

Even though Qin Ruyu hurt her so badly in her previous life, she didn't hate Qin Ruyu at all.

Without Qin Ruyu, everything that happened later would not have happened, and she would not have met Shisan.

After all, she should be grateful to Qin Ruyu.

Recalling all the things between her and Chu Mubai, I felt a lot more at ease.

No matter what happens in the future, no matter whether Chu Mubai is ill, or forgets her, or he doesn't want her anymore, she will still cling to him, that's all.

Not a big deal either.

When he went to the backyard, Han Shushu saw the man under the tree.

His thin lips were tightly pursed, his brows were furrowed, and he knew that he was in a bad mood.

She was about to say something nice, but Chu Mubai opened his arms towards her.

She was startled, and then flew into his arms.

At this moment, her eyes were slightly wet: "Thirteen, your embrace is so warm. You must always remember that no matter what happens in the future, you can never rely on another woman here, you know?"

"So you love me so much." Chu Mubai grinned, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

He didn't quite believe what this woman said before, but now he does.

After all, she was so possessive of him, if this wasn't love, what could it be?
"Did you hear what I said?" Han Shushu slapped him hard on the back, and this dead man actually changed the subject with her?
"After meeting you, I have become afraid of women, how dare I let other women lean in my arms?" Chu Mubai's words drew another slap from Han Shushu.

Talking like she was a tigress, this man couldn't hear what he said.

"That bitch Qin Ruyu dares to make you unhappy, I will crush her to ashes..."

"You are not allowed to touch her!" Han Shushu jumped out of Chu Mubai's arms and shouted immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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