Chapter 1155 If This Is Not Love (8)

Chu Mubai's face changed slightly, and he grabbed Han Shushu's collar: "What do you mean? Did you fall in love with her?"

"What are you talking about. I'm a normal woman, I only like men, and that man is only you. Forget it, I can't communicate with you. I'll go play with my son." Han Shushu said, and entered the study.

Chu Mubai then followed in, "Speak clearly. Did you empathize with Qin Ruyu?"

Regarding this problem, Han Shushu comforted Chu Mubai for half an hour before finally dismissing the suspicious man.

Obviously she was afraid of him cheating, but he was worried that she would be abducted by other people, even women would suspect her.

At the same time, it also shows that Qin Ruyu's words are correct.

They are both too nervous about each other, this is the biggest killing opportunity.

Maybe she should talk to Nangong. If Nangong can let go of her knot, will she and Shisan be fulfilled and not destroy?

This idea took root in her mind and couldn't get rid of it.

It was night, and after making sure that Chu Mubai was asleep, she not only sealed his sleeping hole, but also gave him tranquilizing medicine, and then quietly got off the bed.

She knew that Nangong lived in Wenxiang Palace recently, so she should talk to him once.

She put on night clothes, disguised as a man, and sneaked into Wenxiang Palace.

After arriving at the main hall, she saw Nangong sitting in the first seat, looking at him like that, as if she was sure that she would come to him.

She has been with him for 20 years, and knows that Nangong is definitely a leader in scheming.

She walked slowly to the seat next to her and sat down, not knowing how to speak.

She once imagined the scene when Nangong fell in love with her, but she dismissed him.When this day really came, she felt uncomfortable at all.

"Nangong, the deceased is dead, we can't go back, please stop." Han Shushu looked directly at Nangong.

"The funny thing is that I am dull. After Qin Ruyu reminded me, I realized that I have a deep-rooted love for you. Xiao Shu, am I the stupidest man you have ever met?" Nangong looked at Han Shushu in a daze.

He hurt her time and time again, abandoned her time and time again, and finally found out that the person he loved was always her.

"You're just too proud, maybe you just think that someone like me is not good enough for you..." Han Shushu's voice faded away.

It doesn't make any sense to talk about it now, and it is impossible to overthrow the past and start over.

"I have missed you twice and let go twice. I don't want to miss this third time. Xiao Shu, I can't stop." Nangong got up, walked to Han Shushu, and took her Yubai's little hand : "You come with me, even if you don't love me, it doesn't matter, as long as you stay with me like before. In this way, the best of both worlds, Chu Mubai will still be his good emperor, and you will help him give birth to a child Yuan Bao, he has gotten enough..."

Han Shushu quietly withdrew his hands, looked directly at Nangong, and interrupted him: "I promised him that I would never leave him again, and I don't want to leave him either."

She wants to grow old with Shisan forever, and never wants to be separated from Shisan again.

"I don't give up until the Yellow River, I understand." A light flashed in Nangong's eyes: "I will not be soft at that time! I have two ways, one is to drive Chu Mubai crazy, and I will take over his throne, You will be my woman. Second, he will still be his emperor, as long as he gives you to me."

Han Shushu frowned.

She didn't like either outcome.

Chu Mubai may not be the emperor, but she cannot be abandoned. She will not let that man abandon her and be happy alone.

(End of this chapter)

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