Chapter 1156 I will take you to kill (1)

"Nangong, don't force me!" Han Shushu approached Nangong without any trace, and said in a hoarse voice.

Nangong nodded clearly, and replied softly: "I know you want to kill me. Even if I die in your hands, the plan will still be carried out as scheduled. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, you can't kill me with your strength..."

Han Shushu smiled, a little reluctantly.

Nangong actually knew that she wanted to kill him.

After all, it is the person who has lived together for 20 years, even if the love is gone, even if he wants to destroy her man and her happiness now, he can still understand her psychology.

"If something happens to Shisan, I won't let you go." After a long time, Han Shushu whispered a psychological sentence.

She finally got here with Shisan, they have a child, and his condition is gradually improving, why are Nangong and Qin Ruyu unwilling to let her go?
"I know what you're thinking. I'm not the only one who thinks about Chu Mubai's death. You know, it was Qin Zhuiyue who held Qin Ruyu in his palm, and it was Qin Zhuiyue who suggested letting the cold shadow possess Qin Ruyu."

Nangong revealed a cold smile.

There are too many people who hate Chu Mubai, and he is just one of them.

"Qin Zhuiyue, so he also has a share." Han Shushu frowned.

These years, she thought that everyone was doing well, but it turns out that everyone has not let go.

Nangong is like this, Qin Ruyu is like this, even Qin Zhuiyue is like this.

"Do you know what Qin Zhuiyue said to me? He said that one day you will forget him, and the only way to make you remember him is to make Chu Mubai's life worse than death. Xiao Shu, people are worse than you." For myself, heaven and earth will destroy. If I were you, I would leave him so that he would not be hurt..."

"I left him once, but he didn't live well. If he and I can't live together, it doesn't matter if we die together."

Han Shushu said, turned and left Wenxiang Hall.

Nangong watched Han Shushu drifting away, with cruelty in his eyes.

It's no wonder that he acted viciously.

He had already missed Xiao Tuan twice, and this was his last chance.

He has no way out, even if he kills Chu Mubai, he must win this round.

Han Shushu returned to the South Courtyard in a daze.

She had just walked to the front yard when she saw Chu Mubai standing in front of the broken osmanthus tree.

The moonlight was like water, clear and lightly sprinkled the silver light all over his body.It makes him tall and tall, tall and charming.

It was just a back view, her breathing was a little rough, she stared at him absentmindedly for a long time, then she slowly approached him, wrapped his waist around him from behind, and whispered: "Are you waiting for me?"

"Yeah." Chu Mubai lowered his eyes and took Han Shushu's cold palm.

Han Shushu held his hand back, a thick fog formed in his eyes, but he forcefully forced them back into their sockets.

"Don't look for other men in the future, I don't like it." Chu Mubai said, pulling Han Shushu to him.

His eyes are like water, and the bottom of his eyes is a cold pool, but she is willing to sink into it and never wake up.

"Okay." Han Shushu took Chu Mubai's hand, took two steps, and glanced at him beside him.

The anxiety in her heart gradually disappeared, and she returned to calm.

Until Chu Mubai's hands became stronger and stronger, and her steps became slower and slower.

She knew that he was trying his best to restrain and endure his temper, and he had actually done a good job.

It's just that before his illness can be cured in time, there are already many people trying to force him.

(End of this chapter)

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