Chapter 1158 I will take you to kill (3)

Han Shushu sat on the swing blankly, watching the sky gradually getting brighter, Wanxin ran into the south courtyard in a panic.

She knew what she was worried about had happened.

Rumors and gossip about her spread wildly inside and outside the palace.

Some people say that she has a heart like a snake and a scorpion, and some say that she is restless in the room. The most deadly thing is that some people say that Xiao Yuanbao is not her and Chu Mubai's flesh and blood, but a wild child born to her and other men.

Civil and military officials even joined forces to play, intending to execute her quickly.

Han Shushu was exhausted physically and mentally. Seeing that Wanxin was still standing in front of her, she cheered up and said, "You send more people to find the whereabouts of Xiaocao and Chu Yun. I will take good care of Shisan here. He won't come today." Morning..."

"Why didn't I go to court early?" Chu Mubai's cold voice came from far to near.

When Chu Mubai appeared in front of him in black, Han Shushu's heart trembled slightly.

She had seen the gray death in his eyes once, and that time, she would never forget it in her life.

"Thirteen, I want you to stay with me for a while, I won't go to court today, okay?" Han Shushu touched his cold face with a soft voice, afraid of angering her.

"I heard it all, Shu Shu, don't be afraid, whoever made you unhappy, I will help you kill that person. Go, I will take you to kill someone!"

While speaking, Chu Mubai grabbed Han Shushu's slender waist and jumped up.

Just after leaving the South Courtyard, several court ladies were discussing the rumor about Han Shushu.

After the few palace officials spoke, they felt something strange behind them.

They looked back in horror, and when they saw a man in black standing quietly behind them, they backed away in horror.

These are not human eyes at all, Chu Mubai's eyes are only a cloud of gray mist, and a thick death air envelopes him, like a Shura who has walked out of the eighteenth level of purgatory.

"Thirteen, don't..."

Amidst Han Shushu's terrified roar, accompanied by the screams of the palace people, the killing had begun, and blood flowed like a river.

But in an instant, several living palace people turned into broken limbs, and a head that had been split in half rolled down at Chu Mubai's feet.

He stepped on it hard, like walking on the ground.

The stumped limbs all over the floor made Han Shushu dizzy and retched.

"Thirteen, don't, look at me, Thirteen..."

Han Shushu burst into tears and hugged Chu Mubai's neck tightly.

She was not frightened by the corpses all over the floor, but by Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai turned his eyes to look at her, but there was no focus in his eyes.

"Thirteen, listen to me, can I take you to treat your illness? When your illness recovers, let's leave the palace, and then it will be just the two of us..."

Han Shushu broke down in tears and hugged Chu Mubai's neck tightly.

Her tears soaked his skirt and slid into his skin.

Chu Mubai blinked his eyes lightly, and murmured, "Shu Shu, don't cry..."

He clumsily wiped the tears from her face, the gray mist in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he gained some focus.

"Thirteen, I will take you to Qin Ruyu, she has a way to cure you. Promise me that you will treat your illness well, and I will accompany you while you are healing, okay?" Han Shushu red lips Trembling slightly, he kissed Chu Mubai's face, nose, and between his lips indiscriminately.

No matter what conspiracy Qin Ruyu has, she is not afraid, as long as Chu Mubai's illness is cured.

She will not fight or rob, whatever Nangong wants, she will give him, as long as Shisan can get better.

Everything is still in time.

(End of this chapter)

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