Chapter 1159 I will take you to kill (4)

Han Shushu quickly wiped away tears.

She didn't want Chu Mubai to kill all the people in the palace before making a decision.

If this is what Nangong and Qin Ruyu want, she will grant them.

She understood somewhat in her heart that Chu Mubai's disease was caused by her. Perhaps, there is only one way to cure Chu Mubai, which is to remove her from Chu Mubai's life.

She is actually very selfish.

She was afraid that Chu Mubai's illness would be cured completely, so she would be abandoned.

Not only she knows, Qin Ruyu, a psychologist, understands this even more, so Qin Ruyu is sure that this will make her suffer.

Nangong also thought that as long as Chu Mubai didn't want her anymore, she would fall into his Nangong's arms.

But in terms of feelings, is it just a substitute game after leaving one?

How could they think that this would separate her and Shisan?
A quarter of an hour later, Han Shushu brought Chu Mubai to Yincui Palace.

This is Qin Ruyu's bedroom.

Qin Ruyu was sitting in the main hall leisurely, sipping tea, she was sitting gracefully, showing a charming demeanor in her gestures.

When Han Shushu entered the palace, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Han Shushu: "Have you finally figured it out?"

The heart will not die until the Yellow River, it is Han Shushu who is talking about.

Why didn't Han Shushu admit earlier that Chu Mubai is now so fragile that if he wants to defeat Chu Mubai, he only needs to use the name Han Shushu.

He wanted to see blood and drive Chu Mubai crazy, so Han Shushu was willing to hand him over to her.

"I figured it out, Shisan will be handed over to you for treatment. You have to cure his illness, don't mess with him..."

As Han Shushu said, he squeezed Chu Mubai's hand tightly.

Chu Mubai just looked at her, as if he had penetrated her body.

"Why don't you understand that the target of Nangong and I is not the emperor. Xiao Shu, you are a smart person, I am not afraid to tell you an ugly sentence. There is only one way to cure the emperor."

Qin Ruyu slowly approached Han Shushu with a serious expression.

"Come on, I'm mentally prepared." Han Shushu said, clenched Chu Mubai's palm.

"The reason why the emperor got sick five years ago, he thought it was because of himself that he killed you. So from the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to survive, because he hates himself, which is self-loathing. At the same time, you forced him to He survived. His childhood experience and his special obsession with you have created his split personality. Five years ago, the emperor fell ill with you. Only by removing you from his obsession can he recover from the pain Liberation. Nangong has developed a lot of medicines in the past few years. If you cooperate with my hypnotherapy, it should be effective. But whether it succeeds or not, you need to participate. You must tell him yourself that Chu Mubai does not love Han Shushu ..."

Qin Ruyu looked at Han Shushu's pale face and smiled strangely.

She waited to see Han Shushu collapse, crying bitterly.

It's a pity that after waiting for a long time, Han Shushu's expression was as usual, and he was not moved at all.

She just stared at Chu Mubai intently, as if she already knew this would happen.

Han Shushu pulled Chu Mubai to the side and sat down. She pressed a kiss on Chu Mubai's lips lightly: "Thirteen, you can do whatever I say later. If you are obedient, you will be sick." It will be fine. At that time, we will find a place where no one will live, and we will never be separated again, do you think it is okay?"

Chu Mubai imitated her and kissed her on the lips: "Okay."

"So nice."

(End of this chapter)

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