Chapter 1160 I will take you to kill (5)

Han Shushu smiled, threw himself into Chu Mubai's warm embrace, tightly wrapped around his waist, and deeply absorbed his scent.

It's hard to imagine that this person won't love her anymore when he recovers from his illness.

But what does it matter, they still have decades to go.Even if he no longer had her in his heart, she felt nothing to regret.

She knew that she would stay with him until the end of her life, even if he never loved her again.

After thinking about this, she suddenly felt that it didn't matter whether Chu Mubai loved her or not.

The important thing is that he will get well and can really become a supreme king.

He's still young and has a long way to go.

He used to be very ambitious. If he hadn't met her, he might have regained Northern Qin, and it might not be possible to unify the northern and southern kingdoms...

Han Shushu reluctantly kissed Chu Mubai's lips for a while, and then said to Qin Ruyu, "Let's begin."

"You are so willing!" Qin Ruyu glanced at Han Shushu with complicated eyes.

I don't know whether I hate Han Shushu more or sympathize with her more.

Speaking of which, Han Shushu was ruthless to Chu Mubai, and even more ruthless to herself.

She knew that after Chu Mubai recovered from her illness, she would no longer have a place in her heart, but she still handed over Chu Mubai.

Seeing that Han Shushu finally ended up like herself one day, she should have been happy, but on the contrary, she was not as happy as she imagined...

In the following time, Chu Mubai stayed in Yincui Palace for two or three months.

All political affairs were handed over to Chu Yingchen and Nangong, and Chu Mubai recuperated in Yincui Palace with peace of mind.

On this day, Qin Ruyu sent Han Shushu out of Yincui Palace, patted her on the back of her hand and said, "You can leave the palace with peace of mind, leave it to me, and the emperor will recover soon. With Xiaocao and Chu Yun here, they Will supervise me, I promise, I will never play tricks on him."

Han Shushu responded lightly, and walked out of Yincui Palace with downcast eyes.

"Xiao Shu, do you regret it?" Qin Ruyu asked Han Shushu's back.

The woman in front stood under the early sun, her features were clear and elegant, and her whole body was smudged by the halo of light, making her as warm as spring: "It's enough for him to be good. I won't be in the palace in the future, so you help me take good care of him. Anyway, Thank you."

Regardless of whether Qin Ruyu's intentions were sinister or not, it was the woman Qin Ruyu who cured Chu Mubai.

"Think about the impermanence of the world. In the past, I was a couple with Nangong, and you were a couple with the emperor. Now, I entered the palace and became the emperor's concubine, but you became a member of Xiaoyao Palace, living with Nangong. "Qin Ruyu lowered her eyebrows, as if her throat was choked.

She knew that Han Shushu wanted to stay with Chu Mubai, and she wanted to stay with Nangong.

It's a pity that Nangong sent her to Chu Mubai as a pawn in the end, and Nangong finally "obtained" Han Shushu in this way.

Presumably Nangong also knew.Even if Han Shushu will stay by his side in the end, it is impossible for Han Shushu's heart to be with him.

Nangong said that he only wanted his Xiao Liang to be with him in the years to come, like in his previous life for 20 years, or 30 years, or even longer.

Han Shushu told her that Han Shushu was Chu Mubai's original sin.

And she felt that she was Han Shushu's original sin.

Without her interfering, they would not have come to this world. Perhaps Han Shushu and Nangong have already married, and they have many children...

On the third day after Han Shushu moved into the Xiaoyao Palace, he heard that Chu Mubai had officially entered the morning court.

(End of this chapter)

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