Chapter 1174

Nangong's move was of course for self-protection, for fear that Chu Mubai would settle accounts later.

"I don't dare to speak in a lowly position." Chu Yun compromised.

"That's all." Chu Mubai waved his hand, signaling Chu Yun to back down.

He read the book of war for half an hour before getting up and walking around the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When he went to the front hall, he saw Han Shushu and Yuan Bao sitting together from a distance, and the two mother and son were actually sitting on the ground.Xiaocao was by the side, and saw them laughing happily.

Since when did Xiaocao and Han Shushu become so warm?

Xiaocao was the first to discover Chu Mubai. She restrained her smile, stepped aside, and said in a low voice, "Thirteen, I'm going to rest."

Before Chu Mubai could speak, she ran away quickly.

Han Shushu got up hurriedly, not daring to neglect.

Today is different from the past, Chu Mubai has no affection for her, and he still has to keep his duty.

"Yuanbao, it's getting late, go to bed." Chu Mubai ordered to Yuanbao.

The little guy looked at Han Shushu for the first time, reluctantly.

Han Shushu hurriedly smiled: "Son, rest early, I will play with you tomorrow."

Now such a result has flattered her.

Not only can she be a medical girl in the Imperial Hospital, she can also get along with her son in the Hall of Mental Cultivation at night, and more importantly, she has the opportunity to take a look at Chu Mubai every day.

She once thought that after he recovered from his illness, it would be as difficult for her to see him again.

Now that she is like this, she is very content.

Xiao Yuanbao suddenly hugged Han Shushu's neck, and kissed her left and right sides: "Mother, I will miss you."

Han Shushu froze for a moment, then patted the little guy's head, her chest bursting with happiness.

Once again, she felt that if she could only do this for the rest of her life, she would be content and happy...

She reluctantly hugged the little Yuan Bao, and kissed the little guy's pink and tender face several times: "Hey, go to sleep."

The little guy was still very shy, his face blushed, and then he put his little hand on Chu Mubai's palm, and walked away with Chu Mubai three steps away.

When the little guy got on the dragon couch, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Although he doesn't like Chu Mubai, his family's Shu Shu does.Now that Han Shushu is also in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, if Chu Mubai can let Han Shushu also go to the dragon couch, will he be with Shushu forever?

Xiao Yuanbao gently tugged on Chu Mubai's cuff.

Chu Mubai responded, and then felt something was wrong.

After entering the palace for a few days, this kid has always called him by his first name, never called him Father.

Tonight, the little guy has opened up.

"I want to sleep with my mother, is that okay?" Xiao Yuanbao looked at Chu Mubai eagerly, his black grape-like eyeballs rolled around twice, with a timid expression and a little expectation.

Chu Mubai replied very simply: "No! You are the prince, and Han Shushu is just a country woman..."

"I want my mother, I won't sleep with you!" Xiao Yuanbao rushed down from the dragon couch as he said, glaring at Chu Mubai.

Although the little guy is small, his vicious aura is no less than that of an adult.

Chu Mubai stepped forward and twisted the little guy up, making the little guy look at him at the same level: "You dare to mess around, I will kill Han Shushu!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yuanbao's eyes filled with tears quickly, and he slapped Chu Mubai one after another with his small fist: "You are a villain, I don't like you..."

Fortunately, Han Shushu liked Chu Mubai more than him, but Chu Mubai wanted to kill Han Shushu.

(End of this chapter)

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